Capacity analysis is a fundamental and important issue for continuous phase modulation (CPM) signals. In the letter, we investigate the capacity formula of CPM MIMO syste'/> On the Capacity of CPM MIMO Systems over Band-Limited Channels
首页> 外文期刊>International journal of communications, network, and system sciences >On the Capacity of CPM MIMO Systems over Band-Limited Channels

On the Capacity of CPM MIMO Systems over Band-Limited Channels

机译:带限信道上CPM MIMO系统的容量



style="text-align:justify;"> Capacity analysis is a fundamental and important issue for continuous phase modulation (CPM) signals. In the letter, we investigate the capacity formula of CPM MIMO systems. Using Finite State Machine (FSM), the CPM symbols can be modeled as Markov source by combining channel and CPM modulation. Thus the capacity of CPM signals can be derived in form of the erroneous probability and normalized CPM bandwidth. In addition, the capacity of CPM MIMO systems is derived over Gaussian channels and Rayleigh channels. Finally, numerical simulations are implemented according to various parameters such as modulation scheme, modulation index h, memory length L, and antenna configuration.
机译:style =“ text-align:justify;”>对于连续相位调制(CPM)信号,容量分析是一个基本而重要的问题。在信中,我们研究了CPM MIMO系统的容量公式。使用有限状态机(FSM),可以通过组合信道和CPM调制将CPM符号建模为马尔可夫源。因此,可以以错误概率和标准化的CPM带宽的形式得出CPM信号的容量。另外,CPM MIMO系统的容量是通过高斯信道和 Rayleigh 信道得出的。最后,根据各种参数,如调制方案,调制指数h,存储长度 L 和天线配置,进行了数值模拟。



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