首页> 外文期刊>Indian journal of Anaesthesia >Efficacy of midazolam as oral premedication in children in comparison to triclofos sodium

Efficacy of midazolam as oral premedication in children in comparison to triclofos sodium




Background and Aims: The perioperative behavioural studies demonstrate that children are at greater risk of experiencing turbulent anaesthetic induction and adverse behavioural sequelae. We aimed to compare the efficacy of midazolam 0.5 mg/kg with triclofos sodium 100 mg/kg as oral premedication in children undergoing elective surgery. Methods: In this prospective, randomised and double-blind study, sixty children posted for elective lower abdominal surgery were enrolled. The patients were randomly divided into midazolam group (Group M) and triclofos sodium group (Group T) of thirty each. Group M received oral midazolam 0.5 mg/kg 30 min before induction, and Group T received oral triclofos sodium 100 mg/kg 60 min before induction. All children were evaluated for level of sedation after premedication, behaviour at the time of separation from parents and at the time of mask placement for induction of anaesthesia. Mann–Whitney U-test was used for comparing the grade of sedation, ease of separation and acceptance of face mask. Results: Oral midazolam produced adequate sedation in children after premedication in comparison to oral triclofos (P = 0.002). Both drugs produced successful separation from parents, and the children were very cooperative during induction. No adverse effects attributable to the premedicants were seen. Conclusions: Oral midazolam is superior to triclofos sodium as a sedative anxiolytic in paediatric population.
机译:背景与目的:围手术期的行为研究表明,儿童患麻醉药后会发生湍流,并产生不良的行为后遗症。我们的目的是比较0.5 mg / kg咪达唑仑和100 mg / kg三氯磷钠在接受择期手术的儿童中作为口服药物的疗效。方法:在这项前瞻性,随机和双盲研究中,招募了60名接受选择性下腹部手术治疗的儿童。将患者随机分为咪达唑仑组(M组)和三氯磷钠组(T组),每组三十人。 M组在诱导前30分钟接受口服咪达唑仑0.5 mg / kg,T组在诱导前60分钟接受口服三氯磷钠100 mg / kg。评估了所有儿童在用药前的镇静水平,与父母分离时的行为以及在麻醉诱导时戴口罩时的行为。使用Mann-Whitney U检验比较镇静剂的等级,分离的容易程度和面膜的接受程度。结果:与口服三氯苯酚相比,口服咪达唑仑在儿童用药前能产生足够的镇静作用(P = 0.002)。两种药物都能成功地与父母分离,孩子在上岗期间非常合作。没有观察到由于前药引起的不良反应。结论:口服咪达唑仑在儿科人群中作为镇静抗焦虑药优于三氯膦酸钠。



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