首页> 外文期刊>Indian journal of Anaesthesia >Is dexmedetomidine better than propofol and fentanyl combination in minor day care procedures? A prospective randomised double-blind study

Is dexmedetomidine better than propofol and fentanyl combination in minor day care procedures? A prospective randomised double-blind study




Background and Aims:The growing popularity and trend of day care (ambulatory) anaesthesia has led to the development of newer and efficient drug regimen. We decided to evaluate the efficacy of two drug regimens namely dexmedetomidine and propofol with midazolam and fentanyl for moderate sedation characteristics in minor surgical procedures in terms of analgesia, intra-operative sedation, haemodynamic stability and side effects related.Methods:Totally, 60 adult American Society of Anaesthesiologists class I-II patients posted for day care surgeries of duration 0.05). Rescue analgesia with fentanyl was needed in 30% patients of Group D compared to 17.63% patients of Group P (P < 0.05). The level of arousal was faster and better in Group D at 5 min after the procedure (P < 0.05). Haemodynamics were stable in Group D as with Group P patients (P < 0.005). Dry mouth reported by 16.67% patients.Conclusion:Dexmedetomidine can be a useful adjuvant rather than the sole sedative-analgesic agent during minor surgeries and be a valuable alternative to propofol in terms of moderate sedation, haemodynamic stability with minimal transient side effects.
机译:背景与目的:日间(非卧床)麻醉的日益普及和趋势导致了新型高效药物方案的发展。我们决定评估右美托咪定和丙泊酚与咪达唑仑和芬太尼这两种药物方案在小手术过程中在镇痛,术中镇静,血流动力学稳定性和相关副作用方面对中度镇静特征的疗效。方法:总共60例美国成年人麻醉医师学会的I-II类患者因持续时间为0.05的日托手术而张贴。 D组30%的患者需要使用芬太尼进行抢救性镇痛,而P组为17.63%的患者(P <0.05)。术后5分钟,D组的觉醒水平更快更好(P <0.05)。 D组的血流动力学稳定,与P组相同(P <0.005)。结论16.67%的患者出现口干。结论:右美托咪定在较小的手术过程中可能是有用的佐剂,而不是唯一的镇静镇痛药,并且在中度镇静,血液动力学稳定性和最小的短暂副作用方面,是丙泊酚的有价值的替代品。



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