首页> 外文期刊>Indian journal of Anaesthesia >Efficacy of local wound infiltration analgesia with ropivacaine and dexmedetomidine in tubercular spine surgery – A pilot randomised double-blind controlled trial

Efficacy of local wound infiltration analgesia with ropivacaine and dexmedetomidine in tubercular spine surgery – A pilot randomised double-blind controlled trial




Background and Aims: Regional analgesic techniques are difficult to use in tubercular spine patients due to distorted spinal anatomy and presence of infection. This study was conducted with the aim to evaluate analgesic efficacy of local wound infiltration before wound closure in tubercular spine patients. Methods: This pilot randomised double-blind controlled study was conducted in 32 American Society of Anesthesiologists I-III patients, age ≥15 years, undergoing elective surgery for spinal tuberculosis. All the patients received general anaesthesia using standard technique and intravenous morphine for intraoperative analgesia. They received wound infiltration with either normal saline (group C) or local infiltration analgesia with 0.375% ropivacaine 3 mg/kg, adrenaline 5 μg/mL and dexmedetomidine 1 μg/kg in a total volume of 0.8 mL/kg (group LIA) before wound closure. Patient-controlled analgesia using intravenous morphine provided postoperative analgesia. The primary objective was to study 24-h morphine consumption, whereas the secondary objectives included pain scores, complications and patient satisfaction. Repeated measures analysis of variance, Chi-square test and Mann–Whitney U test were used for statistical analysis. Results: Morphine requirement was lower in group LIA (6.7 ± 2.7 mg) than in group C (27.7 ± 7.9 mg);P 0.001. Group LIA also had lower pain scores (P 0.001), longer time to rescue analgesic (P 0.001), better patient satisfaction to pain relief (P = 0.001) and lower incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting than group C. Conclusion: Wound infiltration with ropivacaine, adrenaline and dexmedetomidine before wound closure provided good postoperative analgesia with lower morphine requirement.
机译:背景与目的:由于脊柱解剖结构扭曲和存在感染,难以在结核性脊柱病患者中使用局部止痛技术。进行这项研究的目的是评估结核性脊柱患者伤口闭合前局部伤口浸润的镇痛效果。方法:该随机双盲对照试验研究是针对32名年龄≥15岁,正在接受脊柱肺结核择期手术的美国I-III麻醉医师协会进行的。所有患者均采用标准技术进行全身麻醉,并在术中使用静脉内吗啡进行镇痛。他们接受生理盐水(C组)或局部渗透镇痛的伤口浸润,其中0.375%罗哌卡因3 mg / kg,肾上腺素5μg/ mL和右美托咪定1μg/ kg,总体积为0.8 mL / kg(LIA组)伤口闭合。使用静脉内吗啡的患者自控镇痛可提供术后镇痛。主要目标是研究24小时吗啡的消耗量,而次要目标包括疼痛评分,并发症和患者满意度。重复测量方差分析,卡方检验和Mann-Whitney U检验用于统计分析。结果:LIA组的吗啡需求量为6.7±2.7 mg,低于C组的27.7±7.9 mg; P <0.001。与C组相比,LIA组的疼痛评分更低(P <0.001),恢复镇痛的时间更长(P <0.001),患者对疼痛缓解的满意度更高(P = 0.001),术后恶心和呕吐的发生率也更低。结论:伤口伤口闭合前用罗哌卡因,肾上腺素和右美托咪定浸润可提供良好的术后镇痛效果,且吗啡需求量较低。



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