首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Brain and Cognitive Sciences >Influenceof Prompting on Enhancement of Reading Abilities among Pupils with Dyslexiain Kenyan Primary Schools

Influenceof Prompting on Enhancement of Reading Abilities among Pupils with Dyslexiain Kenyan Primary Schools




The study investigated the influence of prompting on enhancement of reading abilities among pupils with Dyslexia in Kenyan primary schools. The study adopted the Solomon Four Research Design. The unit of analysis included 20 public primary schools. The target population comprised 8978 pupils, 4 guidance and counselling teachers. The sample size for the study consisted of 229 pupils, 54 English language teachers and 4 guidance and counselling teachers. The data was collected using interview schedules, questionnaires which had both the open and close ended questions to collect data from teachers on selected skills to use with Dyslexic learners. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was ascertained using the Cronbach’s alpha with an internal consistency ranging from shaping 0.673 to modeling 0.807. In analysing qualitative data, the study used thematic analysis while descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used to analyze quantitative data. The inferential statistics used included ANOVA, simple and multiple regression analysis. Validity of research instruments was ensured by expert judgment by university supervisors. SPSS statistical Package was used in data analysis. The study established that there is significant difference [t (48) = -15.059, p<.001] between pretest and posttest score of Experiment group which means a significant impact of treatment (behavior modification strategies) was established on the experimental group. There was a statistically significant relationship between prompting and reading ability (R Square = 0.296). The guidance and counseling teachers need to be equipped with skills to address and assist dyslexic learners cope with learning in the public primary schools in Kenya.
机译:该研究调查了提示对肯尼亚小学患有阅读障碍的学生阅读能力增强的影响。该研究采用了所罗门四研究设计。分析单位包括20所公立小学。目标人群包括8978名学生,4名指导和咨询老师。该研究的样本量包括229名学生,54名英语教师和4名指导和咨询教师。数据是使用访谈计划表,具有开放式和封闭式问题的问卷收集的,以从教师那里收集有关与诵读困难的学习者一起使用的所选技能的数据。问卷的信度系数是使用Cronbach's alpha确定的,其内部一致性范围从塑造0.673到建模0.807。在分析定性数据时,本研究使用主题分析,而描述性和推论统计技术则用于分析定量数据。所使用的推论统计包括方差分析,简单回归和多元回归分析。大学监督者的专家判断确保了研究工具的有效性。 SPSS统计软件包用于数据分析。研究表明,实验组的测试前和测试后得分之间存在显着差异[t(48)= -15.059,p <.001],这意味着对实验组的治疗(行为改变策略)产生了显着影响。提示能力和阅读能力之间存在统计学上的显着关系(R Square = 0.296)。指导和咨询老师必须具备处理和帮助阅读障碍者学习肯尼亚当地公立小学学习的技能。



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