首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Basic and Applied Biology: IJBAB >A Study of using Foldscope as a Tool for Preliminary Evaluation of Plant Materials

A Study of using Foldscope as a Tool for Preliminary Evaluation of Plant Materials




Microscopy is of immense importance in the field of Pharmacognosy, for identification and detection of medicinalplant parts and adulterants in herbal preparations and crude drugs. Quality control of herbal drugs ensures safety and efficacyof the drugs used in traditional systems of medicine such as Ayurveda. Foldscope, is a lightweight, portable and durable papermicroscope developed by Dr. Manu Prakash, that provides magnification from 140x-2000x. Further magnification can beachieved using the camera of a mobile phone. The present study aims to assess the use of Foldscopein identifying medicinalplant materials from which herbal preparations are routinely formulated. Structure of stomata, stomatal number, stomatal index,vein islet number, fibre length, etc. are some of the microscopic parameters that were evaluated using Foldscope in this study.Simple and efficient handling of Foldscope along with the use of mobile phone camera to capture the images served as anexcellent in-field tool in this study. Foldscope was found to be an easy and efficient instrument for the analysis of the abovementioned microscopic parameters. Further analysis is to be carried out for comprehensive evaluation of the sample. Theauthors are thankful to the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India for providing the Foldscopes and the FoldscopeResearch Grant.
机译:显微镜在生药学领域具有极其重要的意义,对于鉴定和检测草药制剂和粗制药物中的药用植物部位和掺假物。草药的质量控制可确保传统药物系统(如阿育吠陀)中使用的药物的安全性和有效性。 Foldscope是由Manu Prakash博士开发的轻巧,便携式且耐用的纸质显微镜,可提供140x-2000x的放大倍率。使用手机的摄像头可以进一步放大。本研究旨在评估Foldscope在鉴定常规配制草药制剂的药用植物材料中的用途。气孔的结构,气孔数,气孔指数,静脉胰岛数,纤维长度等是本研究中使用Foldscope评估的一些微观参数.Foldscope的简单有效处理以及使用手机摄像头进行捕获图像是这项研究中出色的现场工具。发现折叠镜是一种用于分析上述微观参数的简便有效的仪器。为了进行样品的综合评估,将进行进一步的分析。作者感谢印度政府生物技术部提供的Foldscopes和FoldscopeResearch Grant。



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