首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research >Study on types of vaginitis and association between bacterial vaginosis and urinary tract infection in pregnant women

Study on types of vaginitis and association between bacterial vaginosis and urinary tract infection in pregnant women




Introduction: Infectious vaginitis which includes bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis and trichomoniasis are common disorder in women. Both vaginitis and Urinary Tract Infection during pregnancy have risk to lives of both the mother and fetus. Present study was done to assess type of vaginitis and to evaluate the risk of urinary tract infections in pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis. Methods: Cross sectional descriptive study of 230 pregnant women was done from 1st July to 30th December 2010. Duplicate High Vaginal Swab and urine sample were collected from each patient. Bacterial vaginosis was diagnosed using Amsels criteria. Diagnosis of urinary tract infection was made when there were at least 100,000 organisms/ml of urine. Results: Out of 230 patients, 92 were positive for infectious vaginitis. Bacterial vaginosis was the most prevalent type (27.8%) followed by vulvovaginal candidiasis (24.3%) and then trichomoniasis (0.4%). UTI was more than twice common among in pregnant women with BV than without it (p<0.05). Conclusion: Hence the prevalence of vaginitis was higher among pregnant women and women with bacterial vaginosis are at increased risk for urinary tract infections. We recommend all pregnant women during antenatal checkup should be screened for the presence of bacterial vaginosis and Urinary Tract Infection.
机译:简介:传染性阴道炎包括细菌性阴道病,念珠菌性外阴阴道炎和滴虫病是女性常见病。怀孕期间阴道炎和尿路感染都可能危及母亲和胎儿的生命。本研究旨在评估阴道炎的类型,并评估细菌性阴道病孕妇的泌尿道感染风险。方法:从2010年7月1日至12月30日,对230名孕妇进行横断面描述性研究。从每位患者中收集重复的高阴道拭子和尿液样本。使用Amsels标准诊断细菌性阴道病。当尿液中每毫升尿液的含量至少为100,000个细菌/毫升时,便会诊断为尿路感染。结果:230例患者中,感染性阴道炎为92例阳性。细菌性阴道病是最普遍的类型(27.8%),其次是念珠菌性外阴念珠菌病(24.3%),然后是滴虫病(0.4%)。有BV的孕妇中UTI的发生率是没有BUT的孕妇中的两倍(p <0.05)。结论:因此,孕妇中阴道炎的患病率较高,细菌性阴道病的妇女患尿路感染的风险增加。我们建议所有孕妇在产前检查中都应检查是否存在细菌性阴道病和尿路感染。



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