首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances >Intestinal Nematode Parasites of Dogs: Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors

Intestinal Nematode Parasites of Dogs: Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors




A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of intestinal nematode parasites of dogs from November 2009 to April 2010 in Gondar. The study discovered that Zoonotically important parasites are also serious problems of dogs in this area. Coprological examination of direct fecal smear and simple floatation techniques were deployed to screen parasite and determine their species. In this study the prevalence of intestinal nematodes was analyzed in relation to age, sex and types of breeds. Of the total 326 dogs' faecal samples examined, 14.7% (n = 48) were found to harbor one or more parasite species. The prevalence of intestinal nematode parasites was 4.6, 8.3 and 1.8% in less than 1 year, 1-3 years and greater than 3 years of age groups, respectively. The prevalence recorded on sex basis are 7.1% (female) and 7.7% (male), and those of local and cross breeds were 10.7% and 4.0%, respectively. But the difference in prevalence among age, sex and age groups was not found statistically significant (p>0.05). Parasites from the four genera were identified and these include Ancylostoma caninum, Toxascaris leonina, Toxocara canis and Strongyloides stercoralis. Ancylostoma caninum (4.6%) was the most prevalent parasites encountered as compared to other three types of nematode parasites.
机译:从2009年11月到2010年4月,在贡达进行了一项横断面研究,以确定狗的肠道线虫寄生虫的患病率。研究发现,人畜共患病重要的寄生虫也是该地区狗的严重问题。直接粪便涂片和简单的漂浮技术的细菌学检查被用于筛选寄生虫并确定其种类。在这项研究中,分析了肠道线虫的患病率与年龄,性别和品种类型的关系。在检查的总共326条狗的粪便样本中,发现14.7%(n = 48)包含一种或多种寄生虫。小于1岁,1-3岁和大于3岁年龄组的肠道线虫寄生虫患病率分别为4.6%,8.3%和1.8%。按性别记录的患病率为7.1%(女性)和7.7%(男性),本地和跨品种的患病率分别为10.7%和4.0%。但是,年龄,性别和年龄组之间的患病率差异无统计学意义(p> 0.05)。确定了来自这四个属的寄生虫,这些寄生虫包括犬Ancylostoma caninum,Toxascaris leonina,Toxocara canis和Strongyloides stercoralis。与其他三种类型的线虫寄生虫相比,犬口c虫(4.6%)是最常见的寄生虫。



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