首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Anatomical Variations >Computer model of an aberrant right subclavian artery (arteria subclavia dextra lusoria)

Computer model of an aberrant right subclavian artery (arteria subclavia dextra lusoria)

机译:右锁骨下右动脉(arclavia dextra lusoria)的计算机模型



The aorta serves as the systemic outflow tract from the heart and it is subject to anatomical variation in the adult, in part, to a complicated set of temporospatial and morphogenetic interactions. The occurrence of an aberrant right subclavian artery (arteria subclavia dextra lusoria, ARSA) is reported to occur with a frequency of approximately 0.1-25.0%. We report the occurrence of ARSA in a cadaver from a 91-year-old male during a routine dissection of the thorax. Features included a bicarotid trunk, normal left subclavian, but a right subclavian that branched from the terminal portion of the descending aorta. The ARSA was positioned in a retroesophageal and retrotracheal location. However, the person was asymptomatic with respect to the ARSA during his life according to medical records. Animations were generated to demonstrate the spatial relationships of the ARSA in this individual. Additional animations were generated to depict embryological relationships that were likely associated with the formation of ARSA in this cadaver. To our knowledge, this is the first time an animation of ARSA has been presented.
机译:主动脉是心脏的全身性流出道,在成年人中会受到解剖学上的变化,部分会受到一系列复杂的颞pat骨和形态发生相互作用的影响。据报道右锁骨下动脉异常(arclavia dextra lusoria,ARSA)的发生频率约为0.1-25.0%。我们报告了在常规解剖胸腔时一名91岁男性尸体中ARSA的发生。特征包括双棘突干,正常的左锁骨下,但从降主动脉末端分支的右锁骨下。 ARSA被定位在食管后和气管后位置。但是,根据病历,此人一生中对ARSA没有症状。生成了动画来演示ARSA在该个人中的空间关系。生成了其他动画来描绘可能与该尸体中ARSA的形成有关的胚胎学关系。据我们所知,这是第一次展示ARSA动画。



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