首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of African and Asian Studies >Cues in Igbo Cultural Matrix: Analysis of Achebe’S Arrow of God

Cues in Igbo Cultural Matrix: Analysis of Achebe’S Arrow of God




Cultural studies have been found to be invaluable, owing to its ability to give whosever cares, the complete definition, insight or intimation about the life and existence of a particular people under study, without necessarily having to practically live with such a people or understudy them. Literature on one hand, offers itself a threshold of accessing such experiences. However, one can easily be marooned in the thick woods of deep cultural observances, especially if one is not familiar with the cultural milieu. Such could be the experience of many, who are not conversant with the Igbo cultural practices, as generously explored in Arrow of God, one of Achebe’s earliest novels. It is therefore the intention of this paper to shed light on the socio-cultural, political, and economic implications of some of the cultural cues used in the novel, in order to enhance knowledge and a better appreciation of the Igbo world and the age long novel. Keywords: Cues, Igbo Culture, Arrow of God
机译:人们发现文化研究具有无可估量的价值,因为它有能力给予关心的人,有关被研究者的生活和存在的完整定义,见解或暗示,而不必与这些人实际生活或研究他们。 。一方面,文学本身提供了获得此类经验的门槛。但是,人们可以很容易地在深厚的文化底蕴中沉沦,特别是如果不熟悉文化环境的人。这可能是许多人的经验,他们不熟悉伊博文化习俗,正如阿切贝(Achebe)最早的小说之一《上帝之箭》中所慷慨地探讨的那样。因此,本文旨在阐明小说中使用的某些文化线索的社会文化,政治和经济含义,以增强知识并更好地了解伊博族世界和古老的年龄小说。关键字:线索,伊博文化,神箭



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