首页> 外文期刊>Interface: Comunicacao, Saude, Educacao >'Boa noite, bom dia HUAP!', uma experiência de humaniza??o na forma??o de profissionais da área de saúde

'Boa noite, bom dia HUAP!', uma experiência de humaniza??o na forma??o de profissionais da área de saúde




"Good evening, Good morning HUAP!" is an extension project at Universidade Federal Fluminense in which the aim is to contribute towards humanizing training within healthcare through facilitating integration between students on different courses, acquisition of communication skills and capacity to care for and cope better with feelings and emotions. This will contribute towards recovery and better quality of hospital stay among patients at the Ant?nio Pedro University Hospital. Three interventions are made in the wards every week and, on these occasions, the participants are encouraged to interact with the clientele through dialogue and creative play activities. This study evaluated the contribution of the project towards the students' training, by analyzing the meanings that they ascribe to this experience. The reports showed that, despite the initial difficulties in dealing with feelings and emotions, the activities provided the students with experiences that they considered to be rewarding and important for their training.
机译:“晚上好,HUAP早上好!”是Universidade Federal Fluminense的一项扩展项目,其目的是通过促进学生之间不同课程的整合,获得沟通技巧以及更好地照顾和应对感觉和情感的能力来促进医疗保健方面的人性化培训。这将有助于安东尼奥·佩德罗大学医院患者的康复和住院质量的提高。每周在病房进行三项干预,在这种情况下,鼓励参与者通过对话和创造性的玩耍活动与客户互动。这项研究通过分析学生归因于这种经历的意义,评估了该项目对学生培训的贡献。报告显示,尽管最初在处理情感和情绪方面存在困难,但这些活动为学生提供了他们认为是有益的并且对他们的培训很重要的经验。



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