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Chinese Food and Cancer Healing




In cancer treatment, apart from studying the effectiveness of chemo or radiotherapy in killing cancer cells, studies should examine ways of reducing drug side effects on patients and ways of enhancing the bodies’ immune system at the same time. Our defence system not only includes immune response, there are also detoxifying enzymes, antioxidant mechanisms, the ability for DNA damage repair and regulation of the hormone metabolism. Harmful environmental oestrogens that enter the human body can cause an increase of 16-α-hydroxyestrone as a harmful estradiol metabolite, the ratio between 16-α-hydroxyestrone and 2-hydroxyestrone relates to the risk of breast cancer. It is suggested that choosing nutritional products (that decrease the amount of 16-α-hydroxyestrone to regulate the hormone metabolism) can help with prevention of breast cancer. Increasing the ratio of monounsaturated fatty acid omega-3 (Ω-3) benefits health. Unsaturated fatty acid omega-6 (Ω-6) appears to be easily oxidised which can lead to DNA damage and increase the occurrence of cancer. The most important aspect to this approach is to reduce the ratio between saturated fatty acid and polyunsaturated fatty acid Ω-6, which is harmful to health. Olive oil has a high content of Ω-3 that benefits health. Ω-3 fatty acid can also be obtained from some fish, green vegetables and nuts. Linoleic acid is the most important source of Ω-6 fatty acid. Linolenic acid is the most important source of Ω-3 fatty acid. Natural foods e.g., purslane, is rich in Ω-3; the mustard family vegetables can increase the activity of detoxifying enzymes. Chinese Kiwi fruit drink reduces the side effects of the chemotherapy drug cyclophosphamide, which is also a DNA damaging agent. Soybean, job’s tears, garlic, mushroom varieties and tea have anti-cancer effects. Properly used nutritional products may assist treatment and recovery. Good balanced nutrition is essential for cancer healing.
机译:在癌症治疗中,除了研究化学疗法或放射疗法杀死癌细胞的有效性外,研究还应研究减少药物对患者副作用的方法和增强人体免疫系统的方法。我们的防御系统不仅包括免疫反应,还包括解毒酶,抗氧化机制,DNA损伤修复能力和激素代谢调控。进入人体的有害环境雌激素会导致16-α-羟基雌酮作为有害的雌二醇代谢产物增加,而16-α-羟基雌酮和2-羟基雌酮的比例与患乳腺癌的风险有关。建议选择营养产品(减少16-α-羟基雌酮的含量以调节激素代谢)有助于预防乳腺癌。增加单不饱和脂肪酸ω-3(Ω-3)的比例有益于健康。不饱和脂肪酸ω-6(Ω-6)似乎容易被氧化,这可能导致DNA损伤并增加癌症的发生。此方法最重要的方面是降低饱和脂肪酸与多不饱和脂肪酸Ω-6之间的比例,这对健康有害。橄榄油中的Ω-3含量很高,有益于健康。 Ω-3脂肪酸也可以从某些鱼类,绿色蔬菜和坚果中获得。亚油酸是Ω-6脂肪酸的最重要来源。亚麻酸是Ω-3脂肪酸的最重要来源。诸如马齿sl的天然食品富含Ω-3;芥菜类蔬菜可以增加排毒酶的活性。中国猕猴桃饮料可降低化疗药物环磷酰胺的副作用,环磷酰胺也是一种破坏DNA的药物。大豆,乔布斯的眼泪,大蒜,蘑菇品种和茶都具有抗癌作用。正确使用营养产品可能有助于治疗和康复。良好的均衡营养对于癌症康复至关重要。



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