首页> 外文期刊>Influenza and other respiratory viruses. >Influence of time to diagnosis of severe influenza on antibiotic use, length of stay, isolation precautions, and mortality: a retrospective study

Influence of time to diagnosis of severe influenza on antibiotic use, length of stay, isolation precautions, and mortality: a retrospective study




Abstract BackgroundTimely diagnosis of influenza infection in patients might help reduce antibiotic use during influenza seasons and, consequently, antibiotic selection pressure. In this retrospective cohort study, we aimed to evaluate whether time to influenza diagnosis in patients with severe influenza is associated with the duration of antibiotic therapy. MethodsWe retrospectively included all hospitalized patients >16?years who tested positive for influenza A or B by polymerase chain reaction during influenza seasons 2013/2014 or 2014/2015 at the University Hospital Zurich. The primary aim was to assess the association between timing of laboratory-confirmed influenza diagnosis and duration of antibiotic therapy. Secondary outcomes were length of hospital stay, duration of isolation precautions, and mortality. Early diagnosis was defined as laboratory confirmation on the day of or the day after hospital admission or symptom onset. ResultsA total of 126 patients were included (median age 57?years). Timing of influenza diagnosis was not associated with the duration of antibiotic treatment, the duration of isolation precautions, or mortality. Early influenza was associated with reduced length of hospital stay (median 7 vs 9?days [ P =.014]) in patients with community-acquired influenza. ConclusionsAlthough the duration of antibiotic therapy and mortality were found unaffected by early influenza diagnosis, our data indicate that it is linked with a reduction in the length of hospitalization in patients with community-acquired influenza. This highlights a need to also fully understand the effect of time to diagnosis of bacterial pathogens on antibiotic prescribing patterns in order to exploit the potential of early influenza diagnosis in patient care.
机译:摘要背景及时诊断患者的流感感染可能有助于减少流感季节使用抗生素,从而减少抗生素选择压力。在这项回顾性队列研究中,我们旨在评估重症流感患者的流感诊断时间是否与抗生素治疗的持续时间有关。方法我们回顾性分析了苏黎世大学医院在2013/2014或2014/2015流感季节通过聚合酶链反应检测出甲型或乙型流感阳性的所有16岁以上住院患者。主要目的是评估实验室确认的流感诊断时间与抗生素治疗持续时间之间的关联。次要结果是住院时间,隔离预防措施的持续时间和死亡率。早期诊断定义为入院当天或症状发作后第二天的实验室确认。结果共纳入126例患者(中位年龄57岁)。流感诊断的时间与抗生素治疗的持续时间,隔离预防措施的持续时间或死亡率无关。社区获得性流感患者中,早期流行性感冒与住院时间缩短有关(中位7天vs 9天[P = .014])。结论尽管发现抗生素治疗的持续时间和死亡率不受早期流感诊断的影响,但我们的数据表明,这与社区获得性流感患者住院时间的减少有关。这强调了也需要充分理解诊断细菌性病原体的时间对抗生素处方方式的影响,以便开发早期流感诊断在患者护理中的潜力。



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