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The Usefulness of Imperfect Speech Data for ASR Development in Low-Resource Languages




When the National Centre for Human Language Technology (NCHLT) Speech corpus was released, it created various opportunities for speech technology development in the 11 official, but critically under-resourced, languages of South Africa. Since then, the substantial improvements in acoustic modeling that deep architectures achieved for well-resourced languages ushered in a new data requirement: their development requires hundreds of hours of speech. A suitable strategy for the enlargement of speech resources for the South African languages is therefore required. The first possibility was to look for data that has already been collected but has not been included in an existing corpus. Additional data was collected during the NCHLT project that was not included in the official corpus: it only contains a curated, but limited subset of the data. In this paper, we first analyze the additional resources that could be harvested from the auxiliary NCHLT data. We also measure the effect of this data on acoustic modeling. The analysis incorporates recent factorized time-delay neural networks (TDNN-F). These models significantly reduce phone error rates for all languages. In addition, data augmentation and cross-corpus validation experiments for a number of the datasets illustrate the utility of the auxiliary NCHLT data.



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