首页> 外文期刊>Industrial Engineering Letters >Management Control System in Manufacturing Companies: A Case of BGI Ethiopia

Management Control System in Manufacturing Companies: A Case of BGI Ethiopia




In general, business environment is becoming more complex and competitive in nature. Companies in different industries are upcoming with a number of differentiated products and characterized by high quality with the level best required level of innovative skills. These all devotions and efforts are aimed of existing successfully in the industry they belong. Walsh et al, (2005) argue that, appropriate design and use of Management Control System (MCS) elements have a direct relationship with the success of the organization in competitive market environment. This paper is aimed at assessing BGI Ethiopia on three selected elements of management control system specifically, result control group, evaluating the practice through identifying and relying on theoretical propositions derived from the literature and finally, to recommend on how to improve these elements in their organization.In this research, an exploratory case study approach along a qualitative research method for collecting and analyzing the data are used. The case chosen in this study is BGI Ethiopia which is one of the brewery companies in the country. The empirical findings were analyzed through identifying themes from the data, by relying on theoretical propositions derived from the literature. The results show the following facts: Strategy Planning:: the strategic planning practice being used by BGI Ethiopia is in line with the theoretical propositions derived from the literature and control by using goals is highly emphasized.Performance Measurement and Evaluation: The new performance measurement literature indicates, performance measurement system should in corporate any financial and non-financial measure that provides incremental information on managerial efforts. However, BGI Ethiopia’s approach to performance measurement is supplementing extensive traditional financial measure less mix of non – financial measures. The reward and incentive are not used very significantly. The system in use extensively consists of monetary rewards; both short term and long term incentives and do not use non-monetary incentives in greater extent to motivate its employees and the system seems incapable of achieving result control, since they influence employees’ actions by taking rewards to desired results.
机译:通常,商业环境本质上变得越来越复杂和更具竞争力。即将出现不同行业的公司,它们将提供许多差异化的产品,其特点是具有最高水平的创新技能。所有这些奉献和努力均旨在成功地存在于他们所属的行业中。 Walsh等人(2005年)认为,适当设计和使用管理控制系统(MCS)要素与组织在竞争激烈的市场环境中的成功直接相关。本文旨在评估BGI埃塞俄比亚的管理控制系统的三个特定要素,即结果控制小组,通过识别和依赖文献中的理论命题来评估实践,最后提出如何在组织中改善这些要素的建议在这项研究中,采用了探索性案例研究方法和定性研究方法来收集和分析数据。本研究中选择的案例是埃塞俄比亚BGI,该公司是该国的啤酒公司之一。通过从数据中确定主题,并依靠从文献中得出的理论命题,对经验发现进行了分析。结果表明以下事实:战略规划:埃塞俄比亚BGI所采用的战略规划实践与文献中提出的理论命题相吻合,并着重强调了通过目标进行控制。绩效评估与评价:新的绩效评估文献指出,绩效评估系统应在公司中提供任何有关管理工作的增量信息的财务和非财务指标。但是,埃塞俄比亚BGI的绩效衡量方法是对广泛的传统财务指标的补充,而不是非财务指标的混合。奖励和激励的使用不是很明显。广泛使用的系统包括金钱奖励;无论是短期激励还是长期激励,都没有在更大程度上使用非货币激励来激励员工,而且该系统似乎无法实现结果控制,因为它们通过奖励预期的结果来影响员工的行为。



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