
The story of the condom




Condoms have been a subject of curiosity throughout history. The idea of safer sex has been explored in ancient and modern history, and has been used to prevent venereal diseases. We conducted a historical and medical review of condoms using primary and secondary sources as well as using the RSM library and the internet. These resources show that the first use of a condom was that of King Minos of Crete. Pasiphae, his wife, employed a goat's bladder in the vagina so that King Minos would not be able to harm her as his semen was said to contain “scorpions and serpents” that killed his mistresses. To Egyptians, condom-like glans caps were dyed in different colours to distinguish between different classes of people and to protect themselves against bilharzia. The Ancient Romans used the bladders of animals to protect the woman; they were worn not to prevent pregnancy but to prevent contraction of venereal diseases. Charles Goodyear, the inventor, utilized vulcanization, the process of transforming rubber into malleable structures, to produce latex condoms. The greater use of condoms all over the world in the 20th and 21st centuries has been related to HIV. This account of the use of condoms demonstrates how a primitive idea turned into an object that is used globally with a forecast estimated at 18 billion condoms to be used in 2015 alone.Keywords: Bilharzia, condom, Fromm, Kabuta-Gata, Minos, vulcanization
机译:在整个历史中,避孕套一直是好奇的主题。在古代和近代历史上已经探索了安全性行为的观念,并被用于预防性病。我们使用主要和次要来源以及RSM库和互联网对安全套进行了历史和医学审查。这些资源表明,避孕套的首次使用是克里特岛的米诺斯国王。他的妻子帕西法(Pasiphae)在阴道内使用了山羊膀胱,因此米诺斯国王(King Minos)无法伤害她,因为据说他的精液中含有“蝎子和蛇”,杀死了他的情妇。对于埃及人来说,类似安全套的龟头帽被染成不同的颜色,以区分不同阶层的人,并保护自己免受比尔哈兹的侵害。古罗马人用动物的膀胱保护妇女。佩戴它们不是为了防止怀孕,而是为了防止性病的收缩。发明人查尔斯·固特异(Charles Goodyear)利用硫化(将橡胶转变为可延展结构的过程)生产乳胶避孕套。在20世纪和21世纪,安全套在全世界的更多使用与艾滋病毒有关。避孕套的使用说明了一个原始的想法是如何变成一个全球性使用的对象的,据预测,仅在2015年就将使用180亿个避孕套。关键字:避孕套,避孕套,Fromm,Kabuta-Gata,Minos,硫化



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