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Using public interest litigation for tobacco control: Insights from India




The Indian notion of “Public Interest Litigation (PIL)” represents a moral and humane process for providing justice to an individual or a group in matters relating to infringement of fundamental rights or denial of civil privileges. The goal of PIL in India is to counter governmental lawlessness, administrative deviance, and exploitation of disadvantaged groups by denying them their rights and entitlements. Although this paper selectively describes the use of the PIL mechanism for ensuring implementation of large graphic health warnings on packages of tobacco products in India, there is a sufficient published literature to corroborate the successful use of this mechanism in India in different tobacco control settings. In fact, over the years, this legal tool has allowed the tobacco control community in India, to extensively promote human rights approach to tobacco control. In the wake of growing interference of tobacco industry worldwide, this paper explores PIL as a potent and effective tool for claiming public health rights related to tobacco control. The PIL has considerable potential to be used for enforcement of tobacco control measures and for stopping tobacco industry from engaging in activities which are detrimental to the health of the people at large. It is important to continuously identify potential avenues through which lessons and recommendations pertaining to PIL could be incorporated into the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control implementation plans and guidelines, with special focus on different intercessional mechanisms that are available from time to time. To set the ball rolling, the authors suggest two such avenues.
机译:印度的“公共利益诉讼(PIL)”概念代表了一种道德和人道程序,目的是在侵犯基本权利或剥夺公民特权的问题上为个人或群体提供正义。 PIL在印度的目标是通过剥夺弱势群体的权利和应享权利来应对政府的非法行为,行政偏差和对弱势群体的剥削。尽管本文有选择地描述了PIL机制的使用,以确保在印度的烟草制品包装上实施大型图形健康警告,但已有足够的公开文献证实该机制在印度的不同烟草控制环境中的成功使用。实际上,多年来,该法律工具已使印度的烟草控制界广泛推广了用于烟草控制的人权方法。随着世界各地烟草业的干扰日益严重,本文探讨了PIL作为声称与烟草控制有关的公共健康权的有效手段。 PIL具有巨大的潜力,可用于执行烟草控制措施和制止烟草业从事有害于广大人民健康的活动。重要的是要不断确定潜在途径,通过这些途径可以将与PIL有关的经验和建议纳入《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》实施计划和指南,并特别关注不时可用的各种代祷机制。为了使事情顺利进行,作者提出了两个这样的途径。



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