首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Community Health >Determinants of non-use of family planning methods by young married women (15-24 years) living in urban slums of Uttar Pradesh

Determinants of non-use of family planning methods by young married women (15-24 years) living in urban slums of Uttar Pradesh




Background: Total fertility rate of Uttar Pradesh is 2.7 with annual growth rate of 16.5. Age specific marital fertility rate (ASMFR) in Uttar Pradesh is highest in the age group of 20-24 years (383.9) followed by 15-19 years (271.0) age group. Use of contraceptives is also very low in this most productive age group. Among the Young married women in the age group of 15-24 years the contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) is only 27.75% which is quite low than the target CPR of 60%. State level data presents a grim picture of contraceptive use in the slum areas in comparison to non-slum areas. This slum population is the most vulnerable section of our society. Aims & Objectives: i) To assess the prevalence of non-use of contraceptives among young married women living in urban slums. ii) To understand the reasons for non-use of contraceptives among young married women. iii) To explore the factors influencing non-use of contraceptive among young married women. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out in the urban slums of Lucknow. Out of the eight Nagar-Nigam zones in Lucknow, one Urban-Primary Health Centre was selected randomly from each zone. From each Urban- Primary Health Centre, 2 slums were selected randomly. In selected slum, all the households were visited until at least 33 young married women (15-24 years) were interviewed using a pre-tested questionnaire to obtain the desired sample size of 535. The data was analyzed using SPSS 16.0. Results: Current use of contraceptives was found to be 33.8 % and almost two-thirds (66.2%) of the participants were not using any form of contraceptive method. The important reasons for non-use of contraception were embarrassment / hesitancy / shyness regarding family planning, lack of knowledge about the contraceptive method or place of availability of services, opposition to contraceptive use by husband or family members and women’s desire to get pregnant. About one third of the women had no perceived need for contraception. Among the various bio-social and fertility related variables, educational attainment of the women, employment status, parity, autonomy of the women, attitude of the husband towards family planning, motivation to adopt contraceptive and contact with ANM during home visits were the prime independent predictors for non-use of contraceptives. Conclusion: The study found contraceptive use to be very low among the young married women. The findings showed that motivation of women to adopt family planning method through counseling along with provision of youth friendly services are needed to be address to achieve improvement in contraceptive use among these young married women living in urban slums.
机译:背景:北方邦的总生育率为2.7,年增长率为16.5。北方邦的年龄特定婚姻生育率(ASMFR)在20-24岁(383.9)年龄组中最高,其次是15-19岁(271.0)年龄组。在这个生产力最高的年龄组中,避孕药具的使用率也很低。在15至24岁年龄段的年轻已婚妇女中,避孕普及率(CPR)仅为27.75%,远低于60%的目标CPR。州级数据显示,与非贫民窟地区相比,贫民窟地区避孕药的使用情况严峻。这些贫民窟人口是我们社会中最脆弱的部分。目的与目标:i)评估生活在城市贫民窟的已婚妇女中不使用避孕药具的流行程度。 ii)了解年轻已婚妇女不使用避孕药具的原因。 iii)探索影响已婚妇女不使用避孕药具的因素。材料和方法:在勒克瑙的城市贫民窟进行了横断面研究。在勒克瑙的八个纳加尔-尼甘地区中,从每个区域中随机选择了一个城市主要卫生中心。从每个城市初级卫生中心随机抽取2个贫民窟。在选定的贫民窟,对所有住户进行了访问,直到使用预先测试的问卷调查至少33名年轻的已婚妇女(15-24岁)进行了访谈,以获得所需的535个样本量。使用SPSS 16.0分析数据。结果:发现目前使用避孕药具的比例为33.8%,几乎三分之二(66.2%)的参与者未使用任何形式的避孕方法。不使用避孕措施的重要原因是:计划生育方面的尴尬/犹豫/害羞,对避孕方法或服务地点的了解不足,丈夫或家庭成员反对使用避孕药具以及妇女怀孕的意愿。大约三分之一的妇女没有感觉到需要避孕。在各种与生物社会和生育有关的变量中,妇女的受教育程度,就业状况,均等,妇女的自治权,丈夫对计划生育的态度,在上门拜访时采取避孕措施和与ANM接触的动机是最主要的独立因素。不使用避孕药的预测指标。结论:该研究发现,在已婚妇女中,避孕药具的使用率很低。调查结果表明,需要解决妇女通过咨询采取计划生育方法以及提供青年友好服务的动机,以改善生活在城市贫民窟的这些已婚年轻妇女的避孕手段。



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