首页> 外文期刊>Avian Conservation and Ecology >Exposure to rodenticides in Northern Spotted and Barred Owls on remote forest lands in northwestern California: evidence of food web contamination

Exposure to rodenticides in Northern Spotted and Barred Owls on remote forest lands in northwestern California: evidence of food web contamination




The documentation of anticoagulant rodenticides (AR) in nontarget species has centered around wildlife that inhabit urban or agricultural settings. However, recent studies in California have shown that AR use in remote forest settings has escalated and has exposed and killed forest carnivores. Anticoagulant rodenticides have been documented as physiological stressors for avian species. Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) critical and occupied habitat overlaps the areas where these studies occurred, yet no data were previously available to demonstrate whether this species was similarly affected. We investigated whether avian predators are also exposed to these specific pesticides and whether Barred Owls (Strix varia) may be a surrogate to indicate exposure rates in Northern Spotted Owls. We documented that 70% of Northern Spotted Owls and 40% of Barred Owls were exposed to one or more anticoagulant rodenticides. None of the rodent prey species sampled within the study area were positive for ARs. There were no spatial clusters for either low or high rates of exposure, though we detected low temporal trend early on throughout the study area. We hypothesize a recent change in land-use toward marijuana cultivation may have led to the increased use of AR in this area. This study demonstrates environmental contamination within occupied Northern Spotted Owl habitat and that Barred Owls can be used as adequate surrogates for detecting these pollutants in a rare species such as the Northern Spotted Owl. Furthermore, additional studies should focus on whether these pesticides are also affecting prey availability for these forest avian species.
机译:非目标物种中抗凝杀鼠剂(AR)的文献主要围绕居住在城市或农业环境中的野生动植物。但是,加利福尼亚州的最新研究表明,在偏远森林环境中使用AR的情况不断升级,并暴露和杀死了森林食肉动物。抗凝杀鼠剂已被证明是鸟类的生理应激源。北部斑点猫头鹰(Strix occidentalis caurina)的关键栖息地与这些研究发生的地区重叠,但是以前没有可用的数据来证明该物种是否受到类似的影响。我们调查了鸟类掠食者是否也暴露于这些特定的农药中,以及条纹猫头鹰(Strix varia)是否可以作为替代指标来表明北方斑点猫头鹰的暴露率。我们记录了70%的北部斑点猫头鹰和40%的条纹猫头鹰暴露于一种或多种抗凝血灭鼠剂。在研究区域内采样的所有啮齿动物猎物均未发现AR阳性。尽管我们在整个研究区域的早期都发现了较低的时间趋势,但无论是低暴露率还是高暴露率都没有空间簇。我们假设最近土地用途向大麻种植的变化可能导致该地区AR的使用增加。这项研究证明了北部斑点猫头鹰栖息地内的环境污染,并且条纹猫头鹰可以作为替代品来检测稀有物种(例如北部斑点猫头鹰)中的这些污染物。此外,其他研究应集中在这些农药是否也影响这些森林鸟类的猎物可利用性上。



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