首页> 外文期刊>Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology >Assessment of Existing Meat Handling and Hygienic Practices among Butchers and Meat Retailers in Jammu District of Jammu and Kashmir: A Socio- Economic Analysis*

Assessment of Existing Meat Handling and Hygienic Practices among Butchers and Meat Retailers in Jammu District of Jammu and Kashmir: A Socio- Economic Analysis*




The present study was conducted in Jammu district of Jammu and Kashmir State to study the assessment of existing meat handling and hygienic practices among butchers and meat retailers in Jammu District of Jammu and Kashmir. Three slaughter houses of Jammu district situated at Nagrota, Old Rehari and Gujjar Nagar were selected for the study. Ten butchers from each slaughter house were selected. Thirty retail meat shops were selected and from each randomly selected retail meat shop, one meat retailer was selected. Thus, a total of thirty butchers and thirty meat retailers were selected for the study. Data was collected through a well structured interview schedule. The data was coded, classified, tabulated and analyzed using the software; Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS 16.0). The presentation of data was done to give pertinent, valid and reliable answer to the specific objectives. Frequencies, percentage, mean and standard deviation were worked out for meaningful interpretation. Transport of animal to be slaughtered was not carried out properly. Animal were fatigued and soiled with faecal material and considerations were not given to avoid undue stress that might adversely affect the safety and suitability of meat. There was no standard method of bringing the animal to the floor for slaughter. The animals were slaughtered without restraining them properly and are slaughtered in front of other animals causing great fear in them. Butchers used to bring even more than ten animals at a time and slaughter them one after other, even butchers and other workers moved freely over carcasses without caring for hygienic measures. Animals were slaughtered (by both Halal and Jhatka method) and dressed in unhygienic way. Butchers do not care for preventing the intestine from puncturing during evisceration which leads to contamination of carcass. The edible offal’s pluck (heart, lungs, trachea and esophagus) were pulled out as a unit and these were not hung on a hook instead it was place on floor, similarly paunch (stomach and intestines) were also dropped on floor. Meat retailers apart from selling meat from animals slaughtered at slaughter houses significant proportion of respondents were also slaughtering animals (mostly sheep and goat) at their own retail meat shops. Chicken were exclusively slaughtered at retail meat shops in front of the consumers. Personal hygiene was poorly maintained by meat handlers owing to their illiteracy, unawareness, lack of facilities and nature of work.
机译:本研究是在查and和克什米尔邦查Jam地区进行的,旨在研究查Jam和克什米尔查mu地区的肉店和肉类零售商对肉类的现有处理和卫生习惯。研究选择了位于那格罗塔,老雷哈里和古杰尔·纳加尔的查mu地区的三个屠宰场。每个屠宰场选择了十个屠夫。选择了30家肉类零售店,并从每个随机选择的肉类零售店中选择了一家肉类零售商。因此,总共选择了30家肉店和30家肉类零售商。数据是通过结构合理的采访时间表收集的。使用软件对数据进行编码,分类,制表和分析;社会科学统计软件包(SPSS 16.0)。进行数据表示是为了为特定目标提供相关,有效和可靠的答案。计算出频率,百分比,均值和标准差以进行有意义的解释。被屠宰的动物运输不当。使动物疲劳并用粪便材料弄脏,并且未考虑避免过度压力,这可能会对肉的安全性和适用性产生不利影响。没有标准方法将动物放到地板上宰杀。宰杀这些动物时没有适当地束缚他们,他们被宰杀在其他动物面前,给它们带来极大的恐惧。过去,屠夫一次只能带十只以上的动物,然后一次又一次地宰杀它们,甚至屠夫和其他工人也可以在屠体上随意移动而无需采取卫生措施。宰杀动物(通过清真和贾特卡法)并以不卫生的方式穿衣。屠夫并不关心防止在内脏时肠道被刺穿而导致contamination体污染。将可食内脏的拔毛(心脏,肺,气管和食道)作为一个整体拉出,将它们没有挂在钩子上,而是将其放在地板上,同样,拳打(胃和肠)也掉在地板上。肉类零售商除了出售在屠宰场屠宰的动物的肉以外,很大一部分受访者还在他们自己的零售肉店屠宰动物(主要是绵羊和山羊)。只在消费者面前的零售肉店宰杀了鸡肉。肉类处理人员由于其文盲,不了解,缺乏设施和工作性质而无法保持个人卫生。



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