首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology >“Dystrophia Myotonica” and the Legacy of Hans Gustav Wilhelm Steinert

“Dystrophia Myotonica” and the Legacy of Hans Gustav Wilhelm Steinert




The objective of this analysis is to study the life of Hans Gustav Wilhelm Steinert and his role in identifying several neurologic disorders including myotonic dystrophy (DM). DM type 1 (DM1) is a commonly inherited adult muscle disorder. In 1909, its characteristics were first described by Hans Steinert (1875–1911), a German neurologist. Born in Dresden, Germany, Steinert studied philosophy and medicine at the Universities of Leipzig, Berlin, Freiberg, and Kiel. There, under the supervision of Heinrich Curschmann, he accomplished his own works on aphthongia, cerebral muscular atrophy, and cerebral hemiplegia. In 1909, he published his study on six patients exhibiting characteristic myotonia. With autopsy findings of muscular fibrosis, Steinert identified this independent symptom complex as “Dystrophien Myotoniker” (DM). Overall, Steinert's accurate clinical characterization, coupled with the first ever autopsy finding of this condition, laid the foundations of our current understanding about DM1. This review serves as a tribute to the achievements of Hans Steinert and provides an opportunity to understand the historical perspective of DM1. Information for this analysis was gathered from PubMed and libraries at University of Southern California and University of California, Los Angeles. In addition, personal communications with Professor Benedikt Schoser at The University of Munich, Professor Tiemo Grimm at The University of Wuerzburg, and Professor Peter Harper at The University of Wales are acknowledged.
机译:该分析的目的是研究汉斯·古斯塔夫·威廉·斯坦纳特(Hans Gustav Wilhelm Steinert)的生活及其在识别包括强直性营养不良(DM)在内的几种神经系统疾病中的作用。 DM 1型(DM1)是一种常见的成年肌肉疾病。 1909年,德国神经病学家汉斯·斯坦纳特(Hans Steinert)(1875–1911)首次描述了它的特征。 Steinert出生于德国德累斯顿,曾在莱比锡,柏林,弗赖贝格和基尔大学学习哲学和医学。在Heinrich Curschmann的监督下,他完成了自己的关于咽痛,脑肌肉萎缩和脑偏瘫的研究。 1909年,他发表了他的研究,研究了六例表现出特征性肌强直的患者。根据肌肉纤维化的尸检结果,Steinert将这种独立的症状复合物鉴定为“ Dystrophien Myotoniker”(DM)。总体而言,Steinert的准确临床特征以及对该病的首次尸检发现,为我们目前对DM1的理解奠定了基础。这篇评论对Hans Steinert的成就表示敬意,并为了解DM1的历史观点提供了机会。该分析的信息是从PubMed和南加州大学以及洛杉矶的加利福尼亚大学的图书馆中收集的。此外,我们还与慕尼黑大学的Benedikt Schoser教授,维尔茨堡大学的Tiemo Grimm教授以及威尔士大学的Peter Harper教授进行了私人交流。



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