首页> 外文期刊>Atmospheric chemistry and physics >Analysis of CO in the tropical troposphere using Aura satellite data and the GEOS-Chem model: insights into transport characteristics of the GEOS meteorological products

Analysis of CO in the tropical troposphere using Aura satellite data and the GEOS-Chem model: insights into transport characteristics of the GEOS meteorological products




We use the GEOS-Chem chemistry-transport model (CTM) to interpret thespatial and temporal variations of tropical tropospheric CO observed by theMicrowave Limb Sounder (MLS) and the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer(TES). In so doing, we diagnose and evaluate transport in the GEOS-4 andGEOS-5 assimilated meteorological fields that drive the model, with aparticular focus on vertical mixing at the end of the dry season whenconvection moves over the source regions. The results indicate that overSouth America, deep convection in both GEOS-4 and GEOS-5 decays at too lowan altitude early in the wet season, and the source of CO from isoprene inthe model (MEGAN v2.1) is too large, causing a lag in the model's seasonalmaximum of CO compared to MLS CO in the upper troposphere (UT). TES and MLSdata reveal problems with excessive transport of CO to the easternequatorial Pacific and lofting in the ITCZ in August and September,particularly in GEOS-4. Over southern Africa, GEOS-4 and GEOS-5 simulationsmatch the phase of the observed CO variation from the lower troposphere (LT)to the UT fairly well, although the magnitude of the seasonal maximum isunderestimated considerably due to low emissions in the model. A sensitivityrun with increased emissions leads to improved agreement with observed CO inthe LT and middle troposphere (MT), but the amplitude of the seasonalvariation is too high in the UT in GEOS-4. Difficulty in matching CO in theLT and UT implies there may be overly vigorous vertical mixing in GEOS-4early in the wet season. Both simulations and observations show a time lagbetween the peak in fire emissions (July and August) and in CO (Septemberand October). We argue that it is caused by the prevailing subsidence in theLT until convection moves south in September, as well as the low sensitivityof TES data in the LT over the African Plateau. The MLS data suggest thattoo much CO has been transported from fires in northern Africa to the UT inthe model during the burning season, as does MOZAIC aircraft data, perhapsas a result of the combined influence of too strong Harmattan winds in theLT and too strong vertical mixing over the Gulf of Guinea in the model.
机译:我们使用GEOS-Chem化学传输模型(CTM)来解释通过微波测深仪(MLS)和对流层发射光谱仪(TES)观测到的热带对流层CO的时空变化。通过这样做,我们诊断并评估了驱动该模型的GEOS-4和GEOS-5同化气象场中的运输,尤其着重于对流在源区上方移动的旱季末期的垂直混合。结果表明,在整个南美地区,GEOS-4和GEOS-5的深对流在潮湿季节早期在太低的海拔上衰减,并且模型(MEGAN v2.1)中来自异戊二烯的CO来源太大,从而导致与对流层上层(UT)的MLS CO相比,该模型的季节CO最大值滞后。 TES和MLSdata揭示了CO向赤道东太平洋的过度运输以及ITCZ在8月和9月(尤其是在GEOS-4中)的放空问题。在南部非洲,GEOS-4和GEOS-5模拟与观测到的从低对流层(LT)到UT的CO变化的相位匹配得很好,尽管由于模型中的低排放,季节最大值的幅度被大大低估了。排放增加的灵敏度运行导致与LT和对流层中层(MT)观测到的CO的一致性提高,但是GEOS-4中UT的季节变化幅度太大。 LT和UT中的CO匹配困难,这意味着在潮湿季节的早期,GEOS-4的垂直混合可能过于剧烈。模拟和观察结果均显示,火灾排放高峰(7月和8月)和一氧化碳高峰(9月和10月)之间存在时间间隔。我们认为这是由于9月对流向南移动之前LT的普遍沉陷以及非洲高原上LT的TES数据敏感性低所致。 MLS的数据表明,在燃烧季节中,模型中的北非大火将过量的CO从模型中的北非大火转移到了UT,MOZAIC飞机的数据也是如此,这可能是由于LT中哈曼丹风太强和垂直混合太强的综合影响模型中的几内亚湾上空。



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