首页> 外文期刊>Atmospheric chemistry and physics >The radiative impact of desert dust on orographic rain in the Cévennes–Vivarais area: a case study from HyMeX

The radiative impact of desert dust on orographic rain in the Cévennes–Vivarais area: a case study from HyMeX




The study is focused on Intensive Observation Period (IOP) 14 of the Hydrological Cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment first Special Observing Period (HyMeX SOP 1) that took place from 17 to 19 October 2012 and was dedicated to the study of orographic rain in the Cévennes–Vivarais (CV) target area. During this IOP a dense dust plume originating from northern Africa (the Maghreb and Sahara) was observed to be transported over the Balearic Islands towards the south of France. The plume was characterized by an aerosol optical depth between 0.2 and 0.8 at 550 nm, highly variable in time and space over the western Mediterranean Basin. The impact of this dust plume, the biggest event observed during the 2-month-long HyMeX SOP 1, on the precipitation over the CV area has been analyzed using high-resolution simulations from the convection permitting mesoscale model Meso-NH (mesoscale non-hydrostatic model) validated against measurements obtained from numerous instruments deployed specifically during SOP 1 (ground-based/airborne water vapor and aerosol lidars, airborne microphysics probes) as well as space-borne aerosol products. The 4-day simulation reproduced realistically the temporal and spatial variability (including the vertical distribution) of the dust. The dust radiative impact led to an average 0.6 K heating at the altitude of the dust layer in the CV area (and up to +3 K locally) and an average 100 J kg−1 increase of most unstable convective available potential energy (and up to +900 J kg−1 locally) with respect to a simulation without prescribed dust aerosols. The rainfall amounts and location were only marginally affected by the dust radiative effect, even after 4 days of simulation. The transient nature of this radiative effect in dynamical environments such as those found in the vicinity of heavy precipitation events in the Mediterranean is not sufficient to impact 24 h of accumulated rainfall in the dust simulation.
机译:这项研究的重点是2012年10月17日至19日进行的地中海实验第一个特殊观测期(HyMeX SOP 1)的水文周期的密集观测期(IOP)14。 –Vivarais(CV)目标区域。在这次IOP期间,观察到源自北非(马格里布和撒哈拉)的密集尘埃流经巴利阿里群岛向法国南部输送。羽状流的特征是550 nm处的气溶胶光学深度在0.2到0.8之间,在整个地中海盆地的时空上高度可变。使用对流允许的中尺度模型Meso-NH(非中尺度尺度)进行高分辨率模拟,分析了这种粉尘羽流(为期两个月的HyMeX SOP 1期间观察到的最大事件)对CV区域降水的影响。静水压模型)是根据在SOP 1期间专门部署的众多仪器(地面/空中水蒸气和气溶胶激光雷达,机载微物理探测器)以及星载气溶胶产品获得的测量结果进行验证的。 4天的模拟真实地再现了灰尘的时间和空间变化(包括垂直分布)。尘埃辐射影响导致CV区域尘埃层的高度平均加热0.6 K(局部最高+3 K),最不稳定区域平均增加100 J kg -1 对流可用势能(局部高达+900 J kg -1 )相对于没有规定粉尘气溶胶的模拟而言。即使经过4天的模拟,降雨量和降雨位置也仅受粉尘辐射效应的影响很小。这种辐射效应在动态环境(例如在地中海的强降水事件附近发现的环境)中的瞬态性质不足以影响粉尘模拟中24小时的累积降雨。



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