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Aesthetic discomfort in hand osteoarthritis: results from the LIège Hand Osteoarthritis Cohort (LIHOC)




Introduction The primary complaint of patients with hand osteoarthritis (OA) is frequently the inelegant appearance of their hands. Only one study has been conducted to assess the magnitude of and identify the determinants of aesthetic discomfort in hand OA. Methods The LIège Hand Osteoarthritis Cohort is a prospective cohort of 203 patients diagnosed with hand OA. At baseline, these patients rated their aesthetic discomfort on a 100-mm visual analogue scale (VAS) and used a Likert scale (range 0–7) to quantify the magnitude of their aesthetic damage. Results The median value of the aesthetic discomfort VAS was 35.0 [interquartile range (Q1–Q3) 6.0–59.0]. The median damage was rated 3.0 (Q1–Q3 1.0–4.0), corresponding to a moderate level. Both were significantly ( p 10?years ( p =?0.001), and presence of erosive joints ( p
机译:简介手部骨关节炎(OA)患者的主要主诉通常是手部外观不佳。仅进行了一项研究来评估手OA的美学不适程度并确定其决定因素。方法LIège手骨关节炎队列是203位被诊断为手部OA的前瞻性队列。在基线时,这些患者在100毫米视觉模拟量表(VAS)上评估其审美不适感,并使用李克特量表(范围为0-7)来量化其审美损害的程度。结果审美不适VAS的中值为35.0 [四分位间距(Q1-Q3)6.0-59.0]。中值伤害定为3.0(Q1-Q3 1.0-4.0),相当于中等水平。两者均显着(p 10?年(p =?0.001),并且存在糜烂关节(p <?0.0001)。与美学不适感低(VAS≤33?mm)的患者相比,不适感最高(VAS≥结论:审美不适和损伤是患者的主要主诉:66?mm)的糜烂性骨关节炎(p =?0.014),Verbruggen和Veys评分更高(p =?0.0039)和AUSCAN得分更高(p <?0.001)。用手OA的程度的决定因素是性别,放射学严重程度,手OA的持续时间,侵蚀性关节的存在以及对疼痛,功能和僵硬的影响(通过AUSCAN评估)电子补充材料文章(doi:10.1186 / s13075-015-0807-y)包含补充材料,授权用户可以使用。



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