首页> 外文期刊>Anthropological Review >Age-related variability in buccal dental-microwear in Middle and Upper Pleistocene human populations

Age-related variability in buccal dental-microwear in Middle and Upper Pleistocene human populations




Age-related variability in buccal dental-microwear in Middle and Upper Pleistocene human populationsInfants are thought to present a different buccal microwear pattern than adults and these, therefore, are generally analyzed separately. However, El-Zaatari & Hublin [2009] showed that occlusal texture in Neandertal and modern human juvenile populations did not differ from their elders. The microwear patterns of a sample of 193 teeth, corresponding to 61 individuals of Homo heidelbergensis, H. neanderthalensis and anatomically modern humans (AMH), were analyzed revealing that AMH infants up to 14 years old differ from older individuals in having fewer scratch densities, whereas the Neandertals have a much more variable microwear pattern. Age-at-death and dental age since emergence showed similar though somewhat diverging results, especially in the infant and subadult samples. Differences observed between the Neandertals and modern humans could be reflecting differential wearing patterns or distinct enamel structure and resistance to hard food items consumption. Interpopulation differences in striation densities were not apparent in either subadult or adult individuals, only adult Neandertals (26-45 yrs. old) showed fewer striations than the younger age groups. The AMH sample revealed a gradual cumulative pattern of striation density with age, suggestive of a non-abrupt change in diet.
机译:中,上更新世人群口腔颊微磨损的年龄相关变异性据认为,婴儿的颊微磨损模式与成年人不同,因此,通常对其进行单独分析。然而,El-Zaatari&Hublin [2009]指出,尼安德特人和现代人类青少年的咬合质地与老年人没有差异。对193个牙齿的样本的微磨损模式进行了分析,这些样本分别对应于海德堡人,尼安德特人和解剖学上的现代人类(AMH)的61个个体,这表明14岁以下的AMH婴儿与较大个体的区别在于划痕密度较小,而尼安德特人的微磨损模式则要多得多。出现后的死亡年龄和牙齿年龄显示出相似但有些不同的结果,尤其是在婴儿和亚成人样本中。尼安德特人与现代人之间观察到的差异可能反映出不同的穿着方式或独特的牙釉质结构以及对硬食品消费的抵抗力。在亚成年个体或成年个体中,纹状体密度的种群间差异均不明显,只有成年尼安德特人(26-45岁)的纹状体少于年轻年龄组。 AMH样本显示随着年龄的增长,条纹密度逐渐累积,提示饮食没有突然改变。



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