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Origins of the Sacred: A Conversation between Eric Gans and Mircea Eliade

机译:神圣的起源:埃里克·甘斯(Eric Gans)和米尔恰·埃里亚德(Mircea Eliade)之间的对话



Where Eric Gans’s hypothesis of the origin of the human reconstructs a scenic eventoriented around an aborted gesture of appropriation, Mircea Eliade’s work can be seen asendorsing the applicability—even universality—of certain elements of Gans’s hypothesisthrough the comparative study of archaic, classical, and world religions. Through a closeanalysis of Signs of Paradox by generative anthropologist Eric Gans and Rights and Symbolsof Initiation, Images and Symbols and The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religionby religious scholar Mircea Eliade, I will contrast and compare the two thinkers by focusingon Gans’s conceptualisation of the “sacred centre” and “paradox,” and Eliade’s study of theplethora of cultures found throughout the world, whose participants attempt to access, Iargue, a kind of Gansian sacred centre.
机译:埃里克·甘斯(Eric Gans)的人类起源假说重构了一个以掠夺的挪用手势为导向的风景名胜事件,而米尔恰·埃利亚德(Mircea Eliade)的工作可以通过对古朴,古典和世界的比较研究来证明甘斯假说的某些要素的适用性,甚至是普遍性。宗教。通过对宗教人类学者Mircea Eliade的生殖人类学家埃里克·甘斯(Eric Gans)和《权利与象征的启动,图像和象征与神圣与亵渎:宗教的本质》进行的悖论迹象的仔细分析,我将通过集中研究甘斯对观念的概念化来比较和比较这两个思想家。 “神圣的中心”和“悖论”,以及埃利亚德对遍布世界的众多文化的研究,其参与者试图进入伊甘(Iargue),这是一种甘肃神圣的中心。



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