首页> 外文期刊>Animal Nutrition >Effects of applying lactic acid bacteria to the fermentation on a mixture of corn steep liquor and air-dried rice straw

Effects of applying lactic acid bacteria to the fermentation on a mixture of corn steep liquor and air-dried rice straw




Abstract This study was to determine the fermentation quality of a mixture of corn steep liquor (CSL) (178?g/kg wet basis) and air-dried rice straw (356?g/kg wet basis) after being treated with inoculants of different types of lactic acid bacteria (LAB). The treatments included the addition of no {LAB} additive (control), which was deionized water; homo-fermentative {LAB} alone (hoLAB), which was Lactobacillus plantarum alone), and a mixture of homo-fermentative and hetero-fermentative {LAB} (he?+?hoLAB), which were L.?plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, and Lactobacillus buchneri. The results showed that the inoculation of the mixture of {CSL} and air-dried rice straw with he?+?hoLAB significantly increased the concentration of acetic acid and lactic acid compared with the control (P?372?h. The control group was the first to spoil, whereas the silage treated with he?+?hoLAB remained stable throughout the 372?h period of monitoring. The results demonstrated that the he?+?hoLAB could effectively improve the fermentation quality and aerobic stability of the silage.
机译:摘要本研究旨在确定不同浓度的孕育剂对玉米浸泡液(CSL)(178μg/ kg湿基)和风干稻草(356μg/ kg湿基)的混合物的发酵质量。乳酸菌(LAB)的类型。处理包括不添加{LAB}添加剂(对照),即去离子水。单独的纯发酵{LAB}(hoLAB),即单独的植物乳杆菌),以及纯发酵和异发酵{LAB}(he?+?hoLAB)的混合物,分别是植物乳杆菌,干酪乳杆菌,和布氏乳杆菌。结果表明,与对照组相比,{CSL}和风干稻草的混合物用he?+?hoLAB接种显着增加了乙酸和乳酸的浓度(P?372?h。最初的变质,而用he?+?hoLAB处理的青贮饲料在整个372?h的时间内保持稳定,结果表明he?+?hoLAB可以有效提高青贮饲料的发酵质量和好氧稳定性。



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