首页> 外文期刊>Agronomy >Screening for Sugarcane Brown Rust in the First Clonal Stage of the Canal Point Sugarcane Breeding Program

Screening for Sugarcane Brown Rust in the First Clonal Stage of the Canal Point Sugarcane Breeding Program




Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) brown rust (caused by Puccinia melanocephala Syd. & P. Syd) was first reported in the United States in 1978 and is still one of the great challenges for sugarcane production. A better understanding of sugarcane genotypic variation in response to brown rust will help optimize breeding and selection strategies for disease resistance. Brown rust ratings were scaled from non-infection (0) to severe infection (4) with intervals of 0.5 and routinely recorded for genotypes in the first clonal selection stage of the Canal Point sugarcane breeding program in Florida. Data were collected from 14,272 and 12,661 genotypes and replicated check cultivars in 2012 and 2013, respectively. Mean rust rating, % infection, and severity in each family and progeny of female parent were determined, and their coefficients of variation (CV) within and among families (females) were estimated. Considerable variation exists in rust ratings among families or females. The families and female parents with high susceptibility or resistance to brown rust were identified and ranked. The findings of this study can help scientists to evaluate sugarcane crosses and parents for brown rust disease, to use desirable parents for crossing, and to improve genetic resistance to brown rust in breeding programs.
机译:甘蔗(Saccharum spp。)棕锈病(由Puccinia melanocephala Syd。&P. Syd引起)于1978年在美国首次报道,至今仍是甘蔗生产面临的巨大挑战之一。更好地了解甘蔗对棕锈病的基因型变异将有助于优化抗病育种和选择策略。褐锈病等级从非感染(0)到严重感染(4)的间隔为0.5,并在佛罗里达州Canal Point甘蔗育种计划的第一个克隆选择阶段常规记录基因型。分别从2012年和2013年的14272和12661个基因型和重复检查的品种中收集数据。确定了每个家庭和雌性父母的后代的平均锈病等级,感染百分率和严重程度,并估计了其在家庭内部(女性)之间的变异系数(CV)。家庭或女性之间的锈病等级存在相当大的差异。确定并排序具有高易感性或耐棕锈性的家庭和女性父母。这项研究的发现可以帮助科学家评估甘蔗杂交和亲本是否有褐锈病,使用合适的亲本进行杂交,并在育种计划中提高对褐锈病的遗传抗性。



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