首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Scholarly Research Notices >Historical Use of Cultivars as Parents in Florida and Louisiana Sugarcane Breeding Programs

Historical Use of Cultivars as Parents in Florida and Louisiana Sugarcane Breeding Programs




Sugarcane (Saccharum L. spp. hybrids) growers depend on breeding programs for new, high-yielding cultivars that have resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses, so breeders continually seek out widely adapted, high yielding germplasm to be used as parents for their programs. Cultivars are sometimes used for this purpose, but their use may be minimized to prevent genetic diversity erosion. The purpose of this study was to determine the importance of cultivars as parents in three USA (one in Florida and two in Louisiana) sugarcane breeding programs by quantifying the percentage of cultivars that had these parental groupings based on published registrations and crossing records. The percentage of cultivars with at least one commercial parent for each program was 81.8%, 77.5%, and 64.3% for the Houma (Ho), Louisiana, Canal Point (CP), Florida and Louisiana State University (LSU) programs, respectively, but cultivars were recently used as parents in only 11.8% (Ho), 16.39% (CP), and 34.3% (LSU) of crosses. The results indicate that the CP and Ho programs should consider increasing the use of cultivars as parents in their breeding programs to increase the probability of selecting potential commercial genotypes, but this should be balanced with high diversity crosses to avoid the loss of diversity.
机译:甘蔗(Saccharum L. spp。杂交种)的种植者依靠对非生物和生物胁迫具有抗性的高产新品种的育种计划,因此育种者不断寻找适应性强,高产的种质作为其计划的父母。有时将品种用于此目的,但应尽量减少使用它们,以防止遗传多样性受到侵蚀。这项研究的目的是通过根据已公布的登记和杂交记录对具有这些父母分组的品种的百分比进行量化,从而确定三个美国(佛罗里达州一个,路易斯安那州两个)甘蔗育种作为父母的重要性。每个方案中至少有一个商业父母的品种的比例分别为Houma(Ho),Louisiana,Canal Point(CP),Florida和路易斯安那州立大学(LSU)方案的81.8%,77.5%和64.3%,但是最近只有11.8%(Ho),16.39%(CP)和34.3%(LSU)的杂交品种用作亲本。结果表明,CP和Ho计划应考虑在其育种计划中增加使用品种作为亲本,以增加选择潜在商业基因型的可能性,但这应与高多样性杂交相平衡,以避免多样性丧失。



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