首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Forest Research >Significance of tree architecture with regard to windthrows occurred in broadleaved mixed stands in Dobresti Forest District, January 2003

Significance of tree architecture with regard to windthrows occurred in broadleaved mixed stands in Dobresti Forest District, January 2003




Wind throws affect stands on steep slopes and shallow soils, mostly treeswith asymmetric crowns, with high height/diameter ratio; however wind throwsoccur relatively seldom in broad-leaved mixed forests as compared to conife-rous stands. Climatic events which induced windthrows and wind breakage atDobresti (Bihor county) in January 2003, such as hard winds and watery snow-falling affected trees with large crowns of Carpinus betulus, Fagus sylvatica,Prunus avium, Quercus petraea, Fraxinus excelsior, Alnus glutinosa. Trees with short, narrow crown remained unaffected or slightly affected. Many of overthrown trees presented rotting symptoms, also fructification ofFomes fomentarius, Stereum hirsutum, Trametes versicolor and insect damage;such an event generates a multitude of infestation and infection sites
机译:风吹影响陡坡和浅层土壤上的林分,主要是树冠不对称,高/径比高的树木;与阔叶林相比,阔叶混交林很少发生风吹。 2003年1月在多布雷斯蒂(Bihor县)引起大风和破风的气候事件,如强风和含水降雪的树木,上面长有大花冠锦花pin,水青冈,李子,栎栎,优良白蜡树,Fra香。冠短而狭窄的树木未受影响或受到轻微影响。许多被推翻的树木都表现出腐烂的症状,还有果树果实,硬皮实心菌,杂色Trametes的果糖化和昆虫的伤害;这种事件产生了大量的侵染和感染部位



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