首页> 外文期刊>Agronomy Research >Role of amendments in modifying clayey soil physical properties under conventional and reduced tillage in northern Lithuania

Role of amendments in modifying clayey soil physical properties under conventional and reduced tillage in northern Lithuania




Investigations to improve clayey soil physical properties and conditions for applying reduced tillage to spring crops were carried out at Joniskelis Experimental Station of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry in a glacial lacustrine clay loam on silty clay soil with deeper-lying sandy loam (Endocalcari–Endohypogleyic Cambisol). Amendments for soil improvement were the following: farmyard manure – 60 t ha-1, green manure – 27 t ha-1 and lime mud – 10 t ha-1 were incorporated by a mouldboard and segment plough at 0.25 and 0.40 m depths for winter crops twice every third year. Conventional mouldboard ploughing at 0.25 m and reduced ploughless tillage at 0.25 and 0.15 m depths was applied to spring crops after incorporation of amendments. The incorporation of amendments resulted in the decrease of soil bulk density, improvement of soil aeration and water conductivity. Ploughing by a segment plough, especially with incorporation of amendments, improved the subsoil physical properties and water conductivity. However, the segment ploughing resulted in a worsening of topsoil properties due to mixing the subsoil layer with topsoil. Lime mud was more effective for subsoil improvement. Reduced ploughless tillage determined the decrease of soil porosity, worsening the soil structure and seedbed quality. Incorporation of amendments, especially farmyard manure, helps to avoid or lessens the negative effect of reduced tillage on the clayey soil physical condition and on the decrease of the spring crop yield.
机译:在立陶宛农业和林业研究中心的Joniskelis实验站进行了研究,以改善黏土土壤的物理特性和减少春季耕作的条件,该试验站位于冰川湖质黏土壤土上,粉质黏土土壤上有较深的沙质壤土(Endocalcari) –Endohypogleyic Cambisol)。以下是对土壤改良的修正:在冬天用0.25和0.40 m深度的刨花板和分段犁将农家肥– 60 t ha-1,绿肥– 27 t ha-1和石灰泥– 10 t ha-1合并在一起。每三年种植两次。纳入修正案后,将传统的翻土板在0.25 m上耕作,并在0.25和0.15 m深度上减少无耕犁耕作,将其应用于春季作物。掺入修正剂导致土壤容重的降低,土壤通气性和水导率的改善。用分段犁耕作,尤其是在加入了改良剂的情况下,改善了土壤的物理性质和水的传导性。但是,由于将下层土层与表层土混合,该段耕作导致表层土性能恶化。石灰泥对改善地下土壤更有效。减少耕作耕作减少了土壤孔隙度,恶化了土壤结构和苗床质量。掺入改良剂,尤其是农家肥料,有助于避免或减轻耕作减少对黏性土壤物理状况和春季作物减产的负面影响。



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