首页> 外文期刊>Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America >Assessment of farmers’ management practices and factors affecting goats’ production system in Adami Tulu Jido kombolcha district of East Shawa Zone, Ethiopia

Assessment of farmers’ management practices and factors affecting goats’ production system in Adami Tulu Jido kombolcha district of East Shawa Zone, Ethiopia




The study was conducted in Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha district of East Shawa Zone of Oromia regional state to assess farmer management practice and factors affecting the health condition of small ruminant in the study areas. A semi- structured questionnaire was administrated to small holder farmers in the study areas. Sixty farmers were randomly selected from Two PAs namely Anano Shisho and Edokontola and subjected to semi structured questionnaire survey. The result of the survey revealed that 56.7, 33.3, 6.7 and 1.7% of the respondents’ farmers have on average 5, 15, 25, 35 and 40 goats respectively. About 76.5% of the respondent’s farmers are used communal grazing lands during the dry and wet season of the years. The most economic important of small ruminant diseases frequently observed in the study areas were identified as PPR, Cu deficiency, Sheep Pox and Parasite. To control internal parasites 51.7% of the respondents’ farmers of the study areas deworm their goats whereas 48.3% do not practiced deworming of their flocks. Majority of them (21.7%) deworm their animal whenever the goats have got health problem. About 91.7 % of the respondent farmers did not practice treating of their goats against external parasites. Hence, creating the awareness of farmers on goat’s health management practices and on feeds supplementation strategies especially during the dry season of the year should be due in place.
机译:该研究是在奥罗米亚州东部Shawa区的Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha区进行的,旨在评估研究区的农民管理实践以及影响小反刍动物健康状况的因素。在研究区域向半农户发放了一份半结构的问卷。从Anano Shisho和Edokontola两个PA中随机选择了60位农民,并进行了半结构化问卷调查。调查结果显示,分别有56.7%,33.3%,6.7%和1.7%的被调查者的农民平均拥有5、15、25、35和40只山羊。在这些年份的干旱和潮湿季节,约有76.5%的被调查者的农民使用了公共牧场。在研究区域中经常观察到的最经济的小反刍动物疾病是PPR,铜缺乏,绵羊痘和寄生虫。为控制内部寄生虫,研究地区有51.7%的被调查者的农民对山羊进行了驱虫,而48.3%的人未对羊群进行驱虫。每当山羊遇到健康问题时,其中大多数人(21.7%)就会驱虫。约有91.7%的受访农民没有对山羊进行外来寄生虫治疗。因此,应该使农民对山羊的健康管理做法和饲料补充策略特别是在一年中的干旱季节有所了解。



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