首页> 外文期刊>Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America >Anti-implantation effect of chlorpyrifos in Swiss albino mice

Anti-implantation effect of chlorpyrifos in Swiss albino mice




Experiment was conducted to evaluate the anti-implantation effect of sublethal doses ofchlorpyrifos (CPF) in Swiss albino mice. Thirty five female Swiss albino mice were randomlydivided into 5 groups of 7 mice in each group served as the experimental subjects for this study.Each female mouse was cohabited with a proven fertile male in a cage for the purpose of mating.The female mice were exposed orally to different doses of CPF starting from the day ofconfirmation of mating termed gestation day (GD) 1 up to GD5. Mice in group 1 served as thecontrol and were administered vegetable oil, while those in group 2 were dosed with CPF at 10.6mg/kg (~ 10% LD50). Mice in groups 3, 4 and 5 were exposed to CPF at 15.9 mg/kg (~15% LD50),21.2 mg/kg (~20% LD50) and 26.6 mg/kg (~25% LD50), respectively. At GD8 the mice weresacrificed and the ovaries and the uterine horns examined for the number of corpora lutea andimplantation, respectively. The number of pregnant animals and the percentage preimplantationloss in each group were evaluated. The result showed a dose-dependent increase inpreimplantation loss in all the groups exposed to CPF.
机译:进行实验以评估亚致死剂量的毒死rif(CPF)在瑞士白化病小鼠中的抗植入作用。将35只雌性瑞士白化病小鼠随机分为5组,每组7只作为实验对象,每只雌性小鼠与一只经过验证的可育雄性动物一起关在笼子里以进行交配。从交配确认之日起口服不同剂量的CPF,称为妊娠日(GD)1至GD5。第1组的小鼠作为对照并给予植物油,而第2组的小鼠则以10.6mg / kg(〜10%LD50)的剂量给以CPF。第3、4和5组的小鼠分别以15.9 mg / kg(〜15%LD50),21.2 mg / kg(〜20%LD50)和26.6 mg / kg(〜25%LD50)暴露于CPF中。在GD8,处死小鼠,并检查卵巢和子宫角的黄体数目和植入数目。评估每组中的怀孕动物的数量和植入前损失的百分比。结果显示,在所有暴露于CPF的组中,植入前损失的剂量依赖性增加。



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