首页> 外文期刊>Agriculture >Fatty Acid, Flavonol, and Mineral Composition Variability among Seven Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc. Accessions

Fatty Acid, Flavonol, and Mineral Composition Variability among Seven Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc. Accessions




Horse gram [Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.] seeds containing high concentrations of fatty acids, flavonols and minerals should provide government, public and private organizations with a nutritious and healthy food for use by malnourished and food deprived people worldwide. Seeds from seven horse gram accessions, geographically adapted to Griffin, GA, USA were analyzed for fatty acid, flavonol, and mineral concentrations using gas chromatography, reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography, and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy, respectively. Significant year effects occurred for stearic, oleic, linoleic, arachidic, gadoleic, and lignoceric acids. Oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acid ranged from 8.9%–16.8%, 40.3%–45.6%, and 11.6%–14.3%, respectively, as percent of total fatty acids measured (total oil ranged from 2.32% to 2.87%). Seed concentrations of myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol ranged from 0–36 μg/g DW, 0–27 μg/g DW, and 240–316 μg/g DW, respectively and the only year effect was observed for kaempferol among the horse gram accessions. Year effects were found for Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Ni, and S. Mean concentrations of macrominerals (Ca, K, Mg, P, and S) and microminerals (Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, and Zn) ranged from 1.3–14 mg/g DW, and 1.0–95.0 μg/g DW, respectively. Several correlations were observed among several fatty acids, flavonols, and minerals. The mono-unsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid correlated significantly with linoleic acid (r = −0.64), arachidic acid (r = −0.61), Ca (r = 0.50) and Zn (r = 0.51, all at P 0.01). The flavonol, myricetin correlated significantly with quercetin (r = 0.92, P 0.0001), while quercetin correlated with Ca (r = 0.82, P 0.0001) and kaempferol correlated with Mg (r = 0.61, P 0.01). Several mineral correlations were found including Fe with K (r = 0.66) and Mg (r = 0.56, both at P 0.01). These seven horse gram accessions can be used in breeding programs to facilitate the production of superior cultivars with favorable fatty acid profiles, flavonol content, and mineral compositions.
机译:含有高浓度脂肪酸,黄酮醇和矿物质的马克[Macrotyloma uniflorum(Lam。)Verdc。]种子应为政府,公共和私人组织提供营养健康的食品,以供全世界营养不良和食物匮乏的人们使用。分别使用气相色谱法,反相高效液相色谱法和电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法分析了七个地理匹配美国格里芬,美国格里芬的马氏草种子的脂肪酸,黄酮醇和矿物质浓度。硬脂酸,油酸,亚油酸,花生酸,g酸和木质酸的年效应显着。油酸,亚油酸和亚麻酸占总脂肪酸的百分比分别为8.9%–16.8%,40.3%–45.6%和11.6%–14.3%(总油的范围为2.32%至2.87%)。杨梅素,槲皮素和山emp酚的种子浓度分别为0-36μg/ g DW,0-27μg/ g DW和240-316μg/ g DW,并且观察到山emp酚对马克的唯一影响。加入。发现Fe,K,Mg,Mn,Ni和S的年效应。大矿物(Ca,K,Mg,P和S)和微量矿物(Cu,Fe,Mn,Ni和Zn)的平均浓度范围为1.3–14 mg / g DW和1.0–95.0μg/ g DW。在几种脂肪酸,黄酮醇和矿物质之间观察到几种相关性。单不饱和脂肪酸,油酸与亚油酸(r = -0.64),花生酸(r = -0.61),Ca(r = 0.50)和Zn(r = 0.51,均在P <0.01)显着相关。黄酮醇,杨梅素与槲皮素显着相关(r = 0.92,P <0.0001),而槲皮素与Ca相关(r = 0.82,P <0.0001),而山fer酚与Mg相关(r = 0.61,P <0.01)。发现了几种矿物相关性,包括铁与钾(r = 0.66)和镁(r = 0.56,均在P <0.01时)。这七个马克的种质可用于育种程序,以促进具有有利的脂肪酸谱,黄酮含量和矿物质组成的优良品种的生产。



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