首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Food Science and Technology >Morphological, Physiological and Molecular Changes in Solanum tuberosum L. in Response to Pre-sowing Tuber Irradiation by Gamma Rays

Morphological, Physiological and Molecular Changes in Solanum tuberosum L. in Response to Pre-sowing Tuber Irradiation by Gamma Rays




Tuber of two varieties of potato named Silana and Daimont were irradiated with control, 10 and 30 Gy of gamma rays before planting to investigate its effects on morphological, physiological criteria and DNA profiles. The effects of γ-irradiation on stored tubers were also investigated. It was observed that irradiation treatments improved vegetative characters in Silana and most of the physical properties were increased in response to treatment with 10Gy. But, in Daimont variety, the physical properties were inconsistently affected. Total phenols showed insignificant changes in the two varieties as affected by gamma irradiation and storage. A higher level of Ca, Cl, Fe and Na were detected in Silana as compared with corresponding contents in Daimont variety. Gamma irradiation treatments induced changes in DNA profile within the two varieties used.
机译:种植前,对两个马铃薯品种Silana和Daimont的块茎分别进行了对照,10 Gy和30 Gyγ射线辐照,以研究其对形态,生理指标和DNA谱的影响。还研究了γ射线辐照对贮藏的块茎的影响。观察到辐照处理改善了锡拉纳(Silana)的营养特性,响应10Gy处理后,大多数物理特性均得到提高。但是,在Daimont品种中,其物理性质受到了不一致的影响。受γ射线辐照和贮藏的影响,这两个品种的总酚含量无明显变化。与Daimont品种中相应的含量相比,Silana中检出的Ca,Cl,Fe和Na含量更高。伽马射线辐照处理导致所使用的两个品种的DNA分布发生变化。



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