首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Experimental Agriculture >The Quality of Jute Mallow Seeds Exposed to Different Hot Water-Steeping and Cooling Protocols

The Quality of Jute Mallow Seeds Exposed to Different Hot Water-Steeping and Cooling Protocols




Steeping of dormant jute mallow ( Corchorus olitorius L.) seed in hot water at high temperature for enhanced germination, seems to be the most favoured of all other methods. Literature however, appears to be silent on the cooling protocol to adopt to ensure high quality after a seed lot may have been steeped in hot water. Seeds of two cultivars of this crop were subjected to nine hot water/cooling treatments and then dried back. They were then thinly spread and stored in open glass dishes at 83% relative humidity and 33°C. The moisture content of seeds steeped in water at 80 and 97°C increased from about 5-6% prior to storage to about 10-11% after 6-18 weeks after storage (WAS). Steeping of seeds at 80 and 97°C for 5 seconds significantly enhanced germination to about 88% and 77% in ‘Amugbadu’ and ‘Oniyaya’ respectively compared to about 8% in the control (unsteeped) seed. Cultivar ‘Amugbadu’ seeds steeped in cold water (ca 27°C) immediately after steeping in water at 97°C recorded higher germination percentage of 90% - 46% within 0-12 weeks of storage compared to the range of 88 to 29% recorded within the same period in seeds that were simply left to gradual cooling in ambient condition. ‘Oniyaya’ seeds exhibited no differential response to cooling protocol. Unsteeped (control) seed of both cultivars recorded higher germination of 82/85% at 20 WAS than seeds steeped at 97°C (irrespective of cooling protocol) and 80°C prior to storage. Furthermore, whereas seeds of the latter group germinated slower and less uniformly as storage progressed, a gradual increase in the values of these vigour indices were recorded in the former group of seeds. Across steeping treatments the germination percentage of ‘Oniyaya’ seed declined less rapidly than that of ‘Amugbadu’ seeds during storage from ca 61% to 32% in the former compared with about 62% to 3% in the latter.
机译:在高温下将休眠的黄麻锦葵(Corchorus olitorius L.)种子浸泡在高温下以增强发芽,似乎是所有其他方法中最喜欢的。然而,文献似乎未提及为确保种子质量浸入热水后采用高质量的冷却方案。该农作物的两个品种的种子经过九次热水/冷却处理,然后干燥。然后将它们薄薄地铺展,并以83%的相对湿度和33°C的温度保存在敞开的玻璃皿中。浸泡在80和97°C水中的种子的水分含量从储存前的约5-6%增加到储存后6-18周(WAS)后的约10-11%。将种子分别在80和97°C下浸泡5秒钟,可大大提高“ Amugbadu”和“ Oniyaya”的发芽率,分别达到对照的88%和77%(相比之下,对照的种子(未浸泡)的种子约为8%)。在97°C的水中浸泡后立即浸泡在冷水(大约27°C)中的'Amugbadu'种子在存储0-12周内的发芽率更高,为90%-46%,而在88%至29%的范围内记录在同一时期内的种子,这些种子只是在环境条件下逐渐冷却。 “ Oniyaya”种子没有表现出对冷却方案的差异反应。两个品种的未浸种(对照)种子在20 WAS时的发芽率高于浸泡在97°C(与冷却方案无关)和80°C的种子在储存前的发芽率为82/85%。此外,后一组种子的发芽速度随着贮藏的进行而缓慢且不均匀,而在前一组种子中,这些活力指数的值却逐渐升高。在浸泡过程中,“ Oniyaya”种子的发芽率下降的速度比“ Amugbadu”种子的发芽率下降的速度从前者的61%降至32%,而后者则为62%至3%。



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