首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Experimental Agriculture >Kunyima Procedure to Study Enzymatic Mechanism in Cassava Cyanide Removal: Case of Sassou Variety (Democratic Republic of Congo)

Kunyima Procedure to Study Enzymatic Mechanism in Cassava Cyanide Removal: Case of Sassou Variety (Democratic Republic of Congo)




Despite many publications on cyanide elimination in cassava by soaking in water, it still remains our preoccupation because the techniques elaborations of cyanide removal depend on a good uptake of phenomena. The traditional methods of cassava processing (steeping, peeling, drying) permit to eliminate a large proportion of cyanhydric acid, but the technology of the cassava treatment is still nowadays to be improved. That suggests the importance to better its processing and its production on the technological level by a suitable and reliable fast method (a few minutes) in view to eliminate the cyanide completely. So enzymatic kinetic study of a cassava variety, Sassou, in Democratic Republic of Congo, has been undertaken in this paper at temperature of 25°C by means of only pH-meter. The procedure needs to be called KUNYIMA Procedure for the rising scientific generations in order to remember the cute idea framed by Dr. Anaclet KUNYIMA B., Ordinary professor, university of Kinshasa Democratic Republic of Congo. It is needful to size a cassava reactor which will be a fast procedure of elimination of cyanide, economically payable and efficient with the production of cassava without cyanide according to the order of magnitude of the kinetic constants values found. In this paper cassava hydroxynitrilase has been successfully investigated and its K M has been found 1.5 x 10-2 M; Vmax = 0.0072 M h -1, R 2 = 0.972.
机译:尽管有许多关于木薯通过浸入水中氰化物消除氰化物的出版物,但由于将氰化物去除的技术手段取决于对现象的良好吸收,因此仍然是我们的主要工作。木薯的传统加工方法(浸,去皮,干燥)可以消除大部分的氰酸,但如今木薯的处理技术仍有待改进。这表明,为了完全消除氰化物,采用合适且可靠的快速方法(几分钟)在技术水平上改善其加工和生产的重要性。因此,本文仅通过pH计在25°C的温度下对刚果民主共和国的木薯品种Sassou进行了酶动力学研究。该程序需要被称为KUNYIMA程序,用于新兴的科学世代,以便记住刚果金沙萨民主共和国大学普通教授Anaclet KUNYIMA B.博士提出的可爱想法。有必要确定木薯反应器的尺寸,这将是一种快速的消除氰化物的方法,经济上可行的,并且根据所发现的动力学常数值的数量级,无需氰化物即可生产木薯。本文已成功地研究了木薯羟硝酸酶,发现其K M M为1.5 x 10 -2 M。 V max = 0.0072 M h -1 ,R 2 = 0.972。



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