首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Experimental Agriculture >Dry Mass of Shoot and Nodulation of the Pigeon Pea Fertilized with Reactive Rock Phosphate on the Oxisol

Dry Mass of Shoot and Nodulation of the Pigeon Pea Fertilized with Reactive Rock Phosphate on the Oxisol




Among the most used crop stands out the pigeon pea ( Cajanus cajan ) that promotes biological nitrogen fixation, having the phosphorus a crucial role in this reaction. The objective was to evaluate the dry mass of shoot and pigeon pea nodulation, in function of phosphorus doses, using as source the reactive rock phosphate Bayovar in Oxisol in the Brazilian Cerrado. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse for 72 days. Pots containing 3.5 dm3 of soil collected at a depth of 0.0 to 0.20 m in native Cerrado area were used. The experiment design was completely randomized, with seven doses of phosphorus (P2O5): 0,100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 mg dm-3 with four replications. Maximum dry mass of shoot production, dry mass of nodules, and number of nodules were observed in the doses of phosphorus (P2O5) of 430, 400 and 500 mg dm-3, respectively. The fertilization with reactive rock phosphate Bayovar increases the shoot production and nodulation of pigeon pea.
机译:在最常用的农作物中,有突出的是豌豆(Cajanus cajan),它能促进生物固氮,而磷在该反应中起着至关重要的作用。目的是使用巴西塞拉多(Cerrado)的奥西索(Oxisol)中的反应性磷酸盐岩Bayovar作为来源,以磷剂量的函数来评估芽和木豆结瘤的干重。该实验在温室中进行72天。使用在原生Cerrado地区以0.0到0.20 m的深度收集的含有3.5 dm 3 的土壤的盆。实验设计是完全随机的,共七剂量的磷(P 2 O 5 ):0,100、200、300、400、500和600 mg dm - 3 进行四个复制。在430、400和500 mg的磷(P 2 O 5 )剂量下观察到最大的茎生干质量,结节干质量和结节数量。 dm -3 。反应性磷酸盐岩Bayovar的施肥增加了豌豆的芽生和结瘤。



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