首页> 外文期刊>American journal of public health >Randomized, Community-Based Pharmacy Intervention to Expand Services Beyond Sale of Sterile Syringes to Injection Drug Users in Pharmacies in New York City

Randomized, Community-Based Pharmacy Intervention to Expand Services Beyond Sale of Sterile Syringes to Injection Drug Users in Pharmacies in New York City




Structural interventions may help reduce racial/ethnic disparities in HIV. In 2009 to 2011, we randomized pharmacies participating in a nonprescription syringe access program in minority communities to intervention (pharmacy enrolled and delivered HIV risk reduction information to injection drug users [IDUs]), primary control (pharmacy only enrolled IDUs), and secondary control (pharmacy did not engage IDUs). Intervention pharmacy staff reported more support for syringe sales than did control staff. An expanded pharmacy role in HIV risk reduction may be helpful. Evidence supports the efficacy of both structural interventions targeting policy, organizational, and other sociocontextual factors and multilevel interventions targeting both individual and structural factors. 1–3 However, few robust studies of this type of intervention have contributed to the HIV literature. 4,5 Amelioration of persistent racial disparities in HIV/AIDS may require structural and multilevel interventions in heavily burdened communities. 5,6 The New York State Expanded Syringe Access Program (ESAP), a structural-level HIV prevention strategy that began in 2001 and allows nonprescription syringe sales in pharmacies to help reduce HIV transmission among injection drug users (IDUs), demonstrated improved access to sterile syringes, 7 safe syringe disposal, 8,9 and reduced syringe sharing. 10 Minority IDUs, however, have less access to ESAP. 6,11–14 The Pharmacies as Resources Making Links to Community Services intervention, a large-scale, randomized structural intervention targeting community members, pharmacy staff, and IDUs patronizing pharmacies in New York City neighborhoods with high proportions of minorities and significant drug activity, began in 2009. 5 We investigated the impact of this intervention on pharmacy staff support of (1) ESAP, (2) in-pharmacy HIV testing, and (3) in-pharmacy vaccination.
机译:结构性干预可能有助于减少艾滋病毒/种族之间的差异。从2009年到2011年,我们在少数社区中将参与非处方注射器访问计划的药房随机分为干预措施(已注册药房并向注射吸毒者[IDU]提供了降低HIV风险的信息),主要控制(仅药房已注册IDU)和二级控制(药房没有雇用毒品注射者)。干预药房工作人员报告说,与销售人员相比,他们对注射器销售的支持更多。在降低HIV风险方面扩大药房的作用可能会有所帮助。证据支持针对政策,组织和其他社会语境因素的结构性干预以及针对个人和结构性因素的多级干预的有效性。 1-3但是,很少有关于此类干预的可靠研究为艾滋病文献提供帮助。 4,5要缓解艾滋病毒/艾滋病持续存在的种族差距,可能需要在负担沉重的社区进行结构性和多层次的干预。 5,6纽约州扩大注射器获取计划(ESAP)是一项结构级的HIV预防策略,始于2001年,允许药房进行非处方注射器销售,以帮助减少注射吸毒者(IDU)之间的HIV传播,无菌注射器,7个安全注射器处置,8,9和减少的注射器共享。但是,有10个少数民族IDU拥有较少的ESAP访问权限。 6,11–14药房作为与社区服务干预相关的资源,是针对少数族裔比例很高且毒品活动严重的纽约市社区中的社区成员,药房工作人员和光顾药房的IDU的大规模,随机结构干预,开始于2009年。5我们调查了此干预措施对药房工作人员支持的影响,这些支持包括(1)ESAP,(2)药房HIV检测和(3)药房疫苗接种。



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