首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Plant Sciences >Ecological Study of Bryophytes on Platanus orientalis L. Trees in Nainital (Western Himalaya)

Ecological Study of Bryophytes on Platanus orientalis L. Trees in Nainital (Western Himalaya)




The bryophytic vegetation associated with Platanus orientalis trees were studied and compared with other important tree species of Nainital. In total 27 mosses and liverworts belonging to 14 families with three morphological groups formed the principle component of Platanus orientalis tree bark. Based on IVI (Important Value Index), Regmatodon orthostegius together with Brachymenium capitulatum formed the pioneer community, while Herpetineuron toccoae formed the climax community on the Platanus orientalis stems. Comparison of the bryoflora of P. orientalis with other dominant trees of this locality indicated that 15 species were common, while 12 species viz., Didymodon vinealis (Brid.) R.H., Bryoerythrophyllum dentatum (Mitt.) Chen, Gemmabryum apiculatum (Schw?gr.), Ditrichum heteromallum (Hedw.) Britt., Entodon chloropus Ren. & Card., Cylindrothecium laetum (Griff.) Paris, Fabronia schensiana C. Muell., Lejeunea tuberculosa Stephani, Levierella neckeroides (Griff.), Regmatodon orthostegius Mont., Rhynchostegiella menadensis (Lac.) Bartr. and Stereophyllum fulvum (Harv.) Jaeg. were confined to the tree barks of P. orientalis.
机译:研究了与侧柏相关的苔藓植物,并与奈尼塔尔的其他重要树种进行了比较。属于14个科的3个形态学族群的27个苔藓和艾蒿总共构成了侧柏树皮的主要成分。基于IVI(重要价值指数),Regmatodon orthostegius与Capchyulium一起构成了先锋群落,而Herpetineuron toccoae在Platanus Orientalis茎上形成了高潮群落。东方假单胞菌与该地区其他优势树的苔藓植物的比较表明,共有15种,而12种,即Didymodon vinealis(Brid。)RH,Bryoerythrophyllum dentatum(Mitt。)Chen,Gemmabryum apiculatum(Schw?gr) 。),Ditrichum heteromallum(Hedw。)Britt。,Entodon chloropus Ren。 &Card。,圆柱状亚麻(Griff。)巴黎,Fabronia schensiana C. Muell。,Lejeunea tuberculosa Stephani,Levierellaeckeroides(Griff。),Regmatodon orthostegius Mont。,Rhynchostegiella menadensis(Lac。)Bartr。和Stereophyllum fulvum(Harv。)Jaeg。被限制在东方侧柏的树皮中。



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