首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Case Reports >Early-Stage Mucinous Ovarian Adenocarcinoma with Extensive Clotting in a Previously Healthy Young Female Patient: An Uncommon Presentation of a Relatively Uncommon Disease

Early-Stage Mucinous Ovarian Adenocarcinoma with Extensive Clotting in a Previously Healthy Young Female Patient: An Uncommon Presentation of a Relatively Uncommon Disease




Patient: Female, 24 Final Diagnosis: Mucinous ovarian adenocarcinoma Symptoms: Nonproductive cough ? shortness of breath with exertion Medication: — Clinical Procedure: — Specialty: Oncology Objective: Rare co-existance of disease or pathology Background: Mucinous ovarian adenocarcinoma is one of the less common epithelial cancers of the ovaries, and typically does not occur in younger women. Nearly all mucinous ovarian adenocarcinomas present with early-stage disease without significant sequelae of cancer, such as clotting. Anchoring bias is a common problem in medicine that has been shown to significantly affect physician decision-making. Case Report: We present the case of a 24-year-old healthy female Chinese immigrant with no significant past medical history, who presented with a subacute history of nonproductive cough and shortness of breath with exertion. Initial workup was directed towards diagnosis of tuberculosis and other infectious etiologies due to anchoring to patient’s nationality and her positive family history for tuberculosis. She was eventually diagnosed with extensive bilateral pulmonary emboli and bilateral deep vein thromboses as well as a right ventricular thrombus. This extensive clot burden helped lead to the diagnosis of mucinous ovarian adenocarcinoma. Conclusions: This case is significant not only because the diagnosis of mucinous ovarian adenocarcinoma is uncommon in healthy young females under the age of 25, but, more importantly, because such extensive pulmonary emboli and deep vein thromboses in a young female with local/early-stage ovarian cancer is very rare. This case is also significant because it serves as an important reminder of the risks of anchoring bias in skewing perceptions and delaying the correct diagnosis by physicians.
机译:患者:女,24岁最终诊断:粘液性卵巢腺癌症状:非生产性咳嗽?劳累气短药物:—临床程序:—专科:肿瘤学目的:罕见的疾病或病理共存背景:黏液性卵巢腺癌是卵巢上皮癌较少见的一种,通常在年轻女性中不发生。 。几乎所有的粘液性卵巢腺癌都患有早期疾病,没有明显的癌症后遗症,例如凝血。偏见是医学中的一个普遍问题,已被证明会严重影响医生的决策。病例报告:本例病例为一名24岁健康的中国女性移民,该患者无明显的既往病史,其表现为亚急性非生产性咳嗽和劳累气短史。由于与患者的国籍和她的结核病阳性家族史有关,因此最初的检查直接针对结核病和其他传染病的诊断。最终她被诊断出患有广泛的双侧肺栓塞和双侧深静脉血栓以及右室血栓。这种广泛的血块负担有助于诊断粘液性卵巢腺癌。结论:此病例意义重大,不仅因为在25岁以下的健康年轻女性中诊断粘液性卵巢腺癌并不常见,而且更重要的是,因为在具有局部/早期肝癌的年轻女性中,如此广泛的肺栓塞和深静脉血栓形成分期卵巢癌非常罕见。这种情况也很重要,因为它可以提醒人们在偏见中锚定偏见并延迟医生的正确诊断的风险。



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