首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Cancer Prevention >Sexual Behavioral Pattern, Cervical Cancer Awareness and Screening Practices among Female Undergraduate Students of Public Universities in Anambra State, Nigeria

Sexual Behavioral Pattern, Cervical Cancer Awareness and Screening Practices among Female Undergraduate Students of Public Universities in Anambra State, Nigeria




Background: Risky sexual behavior, low level of awareness and poor screening uptake have been linked to the high prevalence of cervical cancer in our environment. Objective: To determine the sexual behavioral pattern, cervical cancer awareness and screening practices among female undergraduate students of public universities in Anambra state, Nigeria. Materials and methods: This was a descriptive cross sectional study of 342 female undergraduate students in Anambra state, Nigeria selected using a two stage sampling. Data was collected using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire and analysed using statistical package for social sciences version 22.0. Chi-square test was used to identify statistically significant associations between variables. A p value of ≤ 0.05 was considered significant. Results: The modal age at menarche, 215 (62.9%) was 13-15 years, while 18 (5.3%) first menstruated at ages below 10 years. Of the 311 (71.6%) that ever had sex, 289 (92.9%) had their coitarche at ages below 24 years, 209 (67.2%) were sexually active while 48 (15.4%) had multiple sex partners. About 310 (90.6%) have heard of cervical cancer, 269 (78.8%) were aware of cervical cancer screening, out of which 108 (40.2%) were aware of cervical cancer screening tests with Pap smear as the most mentioned screening test by 55 (51.0%). There were statistically significant associations between uptake of cervical cancer screening and [ever been pregnant (p=0.005), ever used contraceptives (p=0.001) and perceived need for cervical cancer screening (p=0.000) respectively. Conclusions: This study showed a good level of awareness of cervical cancer but cervical cancer screening practices was inadequate. We recommend educational programs and comprehensive cervical cancer screening strategy.
机译:背景:危险的性行为,意识低下和筛查吸收不良与我们环境中宫颈癌的高发病率有关。目的:确定尼日利亚阿南布拉州公立大学女大学生的性行为模式,子宫颈癌的认识和筛查实践。材料和方法:这是一项描述性的横断面研究,研究对象是尼日利亚的安纳布拉州的342名女大学生,采用两阶段抽样方法进行了选择。使用预先测试的半结构化问卷收集数据,并使用社会科学版本22.0的统计软件包进行分析。卡方检验用于确定变量之间的统计学显着性关联。 p值≤0.05被认为是显着的。结果:初潮时的模态年龄为13-15岁,为215岁(62.9%),而10岁以下的月经初潮年龄为18(5.3%)。在曾经有过性行为的311名(71.6%)中,有289名(92.9%)在低于24岁的年龄段中有房主,有209名(67.2%)有性活跃,而48名(15.4%)有多个性伴侣。约310(90.6%)听说过子宫颈癌,269(78.8%)知道子宫颈癌筛查,其中108(40.2%)知道子宫颈癌筛查测试以巴氏涂片检查为55最受欢迎的筛查测试(51.0%)。宫颈癌筛查的摄取与[曾经怀孕(p = 0.005),曾经使用过的避孕药(p = 0.001)]和感觉到的宫颈癌筛查需要(p = 0.000)之间存在统计学上的显着关联。结论:这项研究显示出对宫颈癌的良好认识,但对宫颈癌的筛查实践却不足。我们推荐教育计划和全面的宫颈癌筛查策略。



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