首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Cancer Prevention >Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Insulinoma in Sixteen Cases

Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Insulinoma in Sixteen Cases




Backgroud: Insulinoma is a rare tumor derived from B cells of pancreas islets, while recently, according to some researches, the incidence of insulinoma is increasing. It is believed that much more attention should be attached to the diagnosis and treatment of insulinoma. The goal of this retrospective study was to analyze the strategy for the surgical management of insulinomas. Methods: From May 2001 to October 2010, the medical records of 16 patients with insulinomas were included in our studied. We confirmed the diagnosis accoringd to a series of biochemical tests. Then all tumors were localized precisely by imaging techniques combined with intraoperative palpation. Except 4 patients who denied surgical treatment, all these patients was accepted follow-up after operation. Result: 11 patients with benign lesions underwent open surgical. 1 patient with malignant insulinomas underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy. The mean hospital stay was 17.0 ± 6.0 days after after the open procedures. 14 complications occurred in 7 patients following resection. On follow-up, 92% of the patients were free from symptoms, and surgical cure was achieved in 95% of the patients with benign insulinomas. Conclusion: The choice of the surgical strategy for the treatment of pancreatic insulinomas depends on size and location of the tumor and the risk of malignancy. The optimal surgical procedure is key to prevent postoperative complications.
机译:背景:胰岛素瘤是一种罕见的胰腺胰岛B细胞衍生的肿瘤,而最近,根据一些研究,胰岛素瘤的发病率正在增加。认为应该对胰岛素瘤的诊断和治疗给予更多关注。这项回顾性研究的目的是分析胰岛素瘤的外科治疗策略。方法:2001年5月至2010年10月,我们纳入了16例胰岛素瘤患者的病历。我们确认了一系列生化检查后的诊断。然后通过成像技术结合术中触诊精确定位所有肿瘤。除4例拒绝手术治疗的患者外,所有这些患者均在术后接受了随访。结果:11例良性病变患者接受了开放手术。 1例恶性胰岛素瘤患者行胰十二指肠切除术。开放手术后的平均住院天数为17.0±6.0天。切除后7例患者发生14例并发症。随访时,92%的患者无症状,95%的良性胰岛素瘤患者可手术治愈。结论:治疗胰腺胰岛素瘤的手术策略的选择取决于肿瘤的大小和位置以及恶性肿瘤的风险。最佳手术程序是预防术后并发症的关键。



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