首页> 外文期刊>Africa Spectrum >Racism, Ethnicity and the Media in Africa: Reflections Inspired by Studies of Xenophobia in Cameroon and South Africa

Racism, Ethnicity and the Media in Africa: Reflections Inspired by Studies of Xenophobia in Cameroon and South Africa




This paper demonstrates the extent to which the media and belonging in Africa are torn between competing and often conflicting claims of bounded and flexible ideas of culture and identity. It draws on studies of xenophobia in Cameroon and South Africa, inspired by the resilience of the politicization of culture and identity, to discuss the hierarchies and inequalities that underpin political, economic and social citizenship in Africa and the world over, and the role of the media in the production, enforcement and contestation of these hierarchies and inequalities. In any country with liberal democratic aspirations or pretensions, the media are expected to promote national citizenship and its emphasis on large-scale, assimilationist and territorially bounded belonging, while turning a blind eye to those who fall through the cracks as a result of racism and/or ethnicity. Little wonder that such an exclusionary articulation of citizenship is facing formidable challenges from its inherent contradictions and closures, and from an upsurge in the politics of recognition and representation by small-scale communities claiming autochthony at a historical juncture where the rhetoric espouses flexible mobility, postmodern flux and discontinuity.
机译:本文证明了非洲的媒体和归属感在相互冲突且经常相互冲突的关于文化和身份的有限灵活的主张之间的破裂程度。它借鉴了喀麦隆和南非的仇外心理研究,受文化和身份政治化的弹性启发,讨论了支撑非洲乃至全世界政治,经济和社会公民身份的等级制度和不平等现象,以及该制度的作用。媒体在这些层次结构和不平等的产生,执行和对抗中。在任何有自由民主愿望或自负的国家中,媒体都应促进国民的公民身份,并强调大规模,同化和领土有限的归属,同时对那些因种族主义和种族隔离而陷入困境的人视而不见。 /或种族。难怪这样一种排他性的公民权利面临其固有的矛盾和封闭,以及在承认修辞学主张灵活流动,具有后现代性的历史关头声称自律的小规模社区的承认和代表政治中面临着巨大挑战。通量和不连续性。



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