首页> 外文期刊>Agriculture and Natural Resources >Impact of brassinosteroid mimic on photosynthesis, carbohydrate content and rice seed set at reproductive stage under heat stress

Impact of brassinosteroid mimic on photosynthesis, carbohydrate content and rice seed set at reproductive stage under heat stress




p id="abspara0010"Brassinosteroid mimics have been shown to increase photosynthesis in plants and alleviate the effects of heat stress. 7,8-Dihydro-8α-20-hydroxyecdysone (αDHECD) is a brassinosteroid mimic, but there has been no reporting on the mechanism of αDHECD against heat stress. Therefore, the effect of αDHECD was investigated on photosynthesis and seed set in rice subjected to heat stress. In this experiment, rice plants were applied with water or 0.0001?μM αDHECD by foliar application before being subjected to heat stress during the reproductive growth stage. Then, plants were exposed to either a normal temperature regime of 30/26?°C dayight or to a high temperature regime of 40/30?°C dayight for 7?d. The results showed that αDHECD increased the net photosynthetic rate under the normal temperature regime. Under heat stress, αDHECD enhanced the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and stomatal limitation, while decreasing the intercellular COsub2/sub concentration and efficiency of water utilization. αDHECD also increased the total soluble sugar content in rice leaves under the normal and high temperature treatments. The application of αDHECD also increased seed setting, seed weight and the sugar and starch contents in the straw and seed under heat stress. The results indicated that αDHECD is a brassinosteroid mimic that enhances photosynthetic performance, increases the carbohydrate contents in the straw and seed and improves rice seed set under high temperatures when it is applied in the reproductive growth stage.
机译:id =“ abspara0010”>油菜素类固醇模拟物已显示可增加植物的光合作用并减轻热应激的影响。 7,8-二氢-8α-20-羟基蜕皮酮(αDHECD)是油菜素类固醇的模拟物,但尚无关于αDHECD抵抗热应激的机制的报道。因此,研究了αDHECD对受热胁迫的水稻光合作用和结实的影响。在该实验中,水稻植物在生殖生长阶段受到热胁迫之前,先通过叶面施用水或0.0001?μMαDHECD。然后,将植物暴露于30/26°C日/夜的正常温度下或暴露于40/30°C日/夜的高温下7 d。结果表明,在正常温度下,αDHECD提高了净光合速率。在热胁迫下,αDHECD提高了净光合速率,气孔导度,蒸腾速率和气孔限制,同时降低了细胞间CO 2 的浓度和水分利用效率。在正常和高温处理下,αDHECD还增加了稻叶中的总可溶性糖含量。 αDHECD的施用还增加了热胁迫下的种子结实,种子重量以及秸秆和种子中糖和淀粉的含量。结果表明,αDHECD是油菜素类固醇模拟物,在生殖生长阶段施用时,在高温下可增强光合性能,增加秸秆和种子中的碳水化合物含量并改善水稻结实。



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