首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development >Profit efficiency among catfish farmers in Benue state, Nigeria

Profit efficiency among catfish farmers in Benue state, Nigeria




The study examined profit efficiency among catfish farmers in Benue State of Nigeria using a stochastic profit frontier approach. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to collect data from 143 catfish farmers through a well structured questionnaire. The study used a Cobb-Douglas stochastic profit frontier function to analyze the data and was estimated using a computer software, FRONTIER 4.1 version. The estimated elasticity parameters of variables with respect to gross profit of catfish farmers revealed the significance of all the independent variables included in the stochastic profit function. However, the number of ponds (-0.02), cost of feed (-0.30), cost of fingerlings (-0.11) and cost of hired labour (-0.004) had an inverse relationship with the profit of farmers with cost of feed being the most important variable decreasing the profit of farmers in the study area. The negative elasticity of number of ponds with respect to farmers’ profit was likely due to under-utilization of ponds capacity. The result further indicated that the kilogramme of catfish produced (elasticity of 1.43) was the most important variable determining profit in catfish farming in the study area. Analysis of profit efficiency revealed a varied (23-99%) profit efficiency of the farmers with a mean value of 0.84. This implies that the farmers were able to obtain a little above 80 percent of their potential profit from a unit mix of inputs. This means that about 16 percent of the profit is lost due to inefficiency of management. Thus, in the short run there is scope for increasing profit from catfish production by 16 percent by adopting the technology and the techniques used by the ‘best practiced’ catfish farmers. Analysis of the factors influencing profit efficiency revealed that while age of famers, farming experience and duration of culture positively influenced profit efficiency, years of education, off-catfish-farm income, and training negatively influenced profit efficiency. The policy implication of these findings is that profit inefficiency in catfish production can be reduced significantly overtime as the farmers get more experienced and a more conducive environment is created, to encourage more aged farmers to be involved in catfish production in a bid to alleviate poverty and food insecurity in the state and the country at large.
机译:该研究使用随机利润前沿方法研究了尼日利亚贝努埃州cat鱼养殖者的利润效率。通过结构良好的问卷调查,采用了多阶段采样技术来收集143个cat鱼养殖者的数据。该研究使用了Cobb-Douglas随机利润前沿函数来分析数据,并使用FRONTIER 4.1版本的计算机软件进行了估算。 variables鱼养殖者毛利润的变量估计弹性参数揭示了随机利润函数中所有自变量的重要性。但是,池塘的数量(-0.02),饲料成本(-0.30),鱼种成本(-0.11)和雇用的劳动力成本(-0.004)与农民的利润成反比,饲料成本为最重要的变量会降低研究区域农民的利润。池塘数量相对于农民利润的负弹性很可能是由于池塘容量利用不足所致。结果进一步表明,所研究的cat鱼养殖所产生的kilo鱼公斤数(弹性为1.43)是决定利润的最重要变量。对利润效率的分析显示,农民的利润效率各不相同(23-99%),平均值为0.84。这意味着,农民从单位投入组合中可以获得的潜在利润略高于80%。这意味着由于管理效率低下,利润损失了大约16%。因此,在短期内,通过采用“最佳实践” used鱼养殖者所采用的技术和技术,is鱼生产的利润将有16%的增长空间。对影响利润效率的因素进行分析后发现,尽管农民年龄,耕种经验和耕种时间对利润效率有积极影响,但受教育年限,-鱼农场收入和培训对利润效率却有不利影响。这些发现的政策含义是,随着农民经验的增加和创造更有利的环境,over鱼生产的利润效率低下可以大大减少,以鼓励更多的老年农民参与aged鱼生产,以减轻贫困和该州和整个国家的粮食不安全状况。



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