首页> 外文期刊>Agroalimentaria >Ajuste asimétrico de precios en la cadena productiva de frijol en el estado de Goiás, Brasil

Ajuste asimétrico de precios en la cadena productiva de frijol en el estado de Goiás, Brasil




Beans are traditional Brazilian staple food, and a relatively cheap source of protein, minerals, vitamins, and fiber for the low-income population. Production chain has barriers, especially in the marketing system, like the lack of price transparency and information asymmetry. Considering the various agents in the bean production chain in the state of Goias (producers, wholesalers and retailers), this study sought to test whether the adjustment of prices in this chain is asymmetric, i.e., if the price increases are transmitted more quickly and in greater magnitude than the decreases. The results infer that the price adjustment is asymmetric along the bean production chain in the state of Goias, being the wholesaler the main cause of this market failure. Thus, consumers do not benefit from decreases in producer prices. These results are relevant to the implementation of sectoral policies related to food security, especially those focusing the low-income population, which undertakes a higher percentage of their income on buying food products.



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