首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Business Management >Corporate social responsibility in Cameroon: The Hydro Electricity Sector University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Corporate social responsibility in Cameroon: The Hydro Electricity Sector University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom




Corporate social responsibility concept is relatively new in Cameroon. That is why a majority of the large companies do not have either CSR policies in place or a team that deals with corporate social responsibility issues. Very few companies have been identified in Cameroon as having CSR policies in place. One of these companies is ENEO which is the hydro-electrical company in Cameroon. This paper examines and evaluates ENEO’s CSR policies and activities in the local communities surrounding two of its reservoir dams which are the Mape and Bamendjing dams. The paper explores the problems of the people living in the local communities, the expectations they have towards ENEO, what CSR policies ENEO has in place and how it affects the people in these two local communities. The data for this article were collected by conducting interviews with forty participants that live in villages that surround the Mape and Bamendjing dams. The finding from this study indicates that ENEO CSR practices have not been efficient and very limited in these areas. Considering these two areas alone, ENEO could be described as not practicing any CSR activities. The expectation that the local inhabitants have on ENEO is very high in terms of sustainable development.? However, the limited or none existence of CSR activities in these areas does not affect the profitability of the company because ENEO has monopoly in the market in Cameroon.
机译:企业社会责任概念在喀麦隆相对较新。这就是为什么大多数大公司都没有制定CSR政策或没有处理企业社会责任问题的团队的原因。在喀麦隆,很少有公司制定了企业社会责任政策。这些公司之一是ENEO,这是喀麦隆的水力发电公司。本文研究并评估了ENEO在其两个水库大坝,即Mape和Bamendjing大坝周围的当地社区的CSR政策和活动。本文探讨了当地居民的问题,他们对ENEO的期望,ENEO制定了哪些企业社会责任政策以及它如何影响这两个当地社区的人们。本文的数据是通过采访居住在Mape和Bamendjing大坝周围村庄的四十名参与者而收集的。这项研究的结果表明,ENEO CSR实践在这些领域效率不高,而且非常有限。仅就这两个方面而言,ENEO可被描述为不从事任何CSR活动。就可持续发展而言,当地居民对ENEO的期望很高。但是,由于ENEO在喀麦隆市场上处于垄断地位,因此在这些领域开展的企业社会责任活动有限或根本不存在,不会影响公司的盈利能力。



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