
A survey on entomophagy prevalence in Zimbabwe




This study was to determine the prevalence of entomophagy in the post independence era (after 1980) in Zimbabwe given that the social status of many families has changed. A cross-sectional non probability sampling was used to determine who ate which insect and how much they ate and where they came from. The availability of each insect was determined at provinces and through key informants. Data were collected through questionnaires and physical visits to all provinces of Zimbabwe tocollect empirical data. The population of those that never participated in entomophagy was less than 10% across the age groups in the sampled populations. In the order, Lepidoptera, which comprises several species the larval stages are mostly consumed in the fourth instar after degutting. The caterpillars are known locally as madora. Imbrasia belina was consumed by more than 90% of the respondents. In the order IsopteraMacrotermes sp. [ishwa] were consumed by more than 80% of the respondents. In the order Coleoptera Eulepida sp, [mandere] and Sternocera orissa [zvigakata] are also widely consumed. In the order Hemiptera only, Encosternum delegorguei [Haruwa] adult is consumed. In the order Homoptera only Loba leopardina [Nyeza nyeza] adult is consumed. In the order Hymenoptera only Carebara vidua [Tsambarafuta] adult is consumed. In the order Orthoptera Brachytrupes membranaceus [Gurwe], Locusta migratoria [mhashu] and Ruspolia differens [Nswabanda] are consumed. Records of quantities of insects harvested are here presented. Protein content of fully grown Imbrasia belina done by the Kjeldahl method was 54-58%. Matebeleland province had the highest tonnage of insects, most of which were exported to other provinceseven to neighbouring countries. Manicaland harvested the least quantities of insects. Most of those who consumed insects preferred them in the dried form which were said to have improved organoleptic properties. Drying the insects prolonged their shelf life. Food security strategies for Zimbabwe should include management of harvesting and storage of these insects.
机译:鉴于许多家庭的社会地位发生了变化,本研究旨在确定津巴布韦独立后时代(1980年之后)的食虫病患病率。使用横断面非概率抽样来确定谁吃了哪种昆虫,它们吃了多少以及它们来自何处。在各省和通过关键信息提供者确定了每种昆虫的可用性。通过问卷调查和对津巴布韦所有省的实际访问收集数据,以收集经验数据。在抽样人群中,从未参加过昆虫学治疗的人群在各个年龄段中的比例均低于10%。按照顺序,鳞翅目由数个物种组成,幼虫阶段在脱壳后大部分在第四龄期被消耗。毛毛虫在当地被称为马多拉。超过90%的受访者食用了伊贝拉菌。按顺序IsopteraMacrotermes sp。 [ishwa]被超过80%的受访者所消费。按照鞘翅目Eulepida sp的顺序,[mandere]和Sternocera orissa [zvigakata]也被大量食用。仅在半翅目中,食用了Encosternum delegorguei [Haruwa]成虫。在同翅目中,仅食用Loba leopardina [Nyeza nyeza]成虫。按照膜翅目的顺序,只食用成年的Carebara vidua [Tsambarafuta]。依次食用直翅目Brachytrupes membranaceus [Gurwe],偏斜的Locusta migratoria [mhashu]和Ruspolia Differentus [Nswabanda]。此处记录了收获的昆虫数量。用凯氏定氮法测得的完全生长的伊斯拉贝亚虫的蛋白质含量为54-58%。马特贝莱兰省的昆虫吨数最高,其中大部分出口到其他省份,甚至出口到邻国。马尼卡兰德收获的昆虫最少。多数食用昆虫的人都喜欢干燥形式的昆虫,据说它们具有改善的感官特性。干燥昆虫可以延长其保质期。津巴布韦的粮食安全战略应包括对这些昆虫的收获和储存进行管理。



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