首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology >Diversity of selective and non-selective fishing gear and their impact on the White Nile River, Khartoum State, Sudan

Diversity of selective and non-selective fishing gear and their impact on the White Nile River, Khartoum State, Sudan




This survey was conducted in Al-Kalakla Fishery (KF) and Jabel Awlia Dam Fishery (JADF) in the White Nile River, Khartoum state to identify the selective and non-selective fishing gear. The results showed the selective fishing gear represented by gill-nets and seine nets (beach nets) in both fisheries with clear variation in use. In KF, fixed nets were dominant (56%) in fishing and followed by drift net (33%), while cast nets were absent in this fishery. In JADF, fixed nets were dominant (63%) in use and followed by cast nets (14%). The average net length was 150 m with width 1.5 m. Non-selective fishing gear was luring gear represented by long-lines (Sareema and Jago). Average length of long-lines was 200 m with 200 hooks in both KF and JADF. Results showed selective tendency of particular mesh sizes of gill-nets in both KF and JADF towards some fish species as: Nile Perch (Lates niloticus L. 1758), Bayad (Bagrus bayad, Forskal, 1775), Kabarous (Bagrus docmak, Forskal, 1775), and large sizes of Dabis (Labeo niloticus, Forskal, 1775) were caught by fixed nets. Bulti (Tilapias), small sizes of Dabis (Labeo niloticus) and Gargur (Synodontis schall, Bloch and Schneider, 1801) were caught mostly by drift nets around breeding grounds and cast nets. Kas (Hydrocynus forskalii, Cuvier 1819), Kawara (Alestes dentex L. 1758) and Shilba (Schilbe intermedius, Ruppel, 1832) were caught by seine nets.
机译:这项调查是在喀土穆州白尼罗河的Al-Kalakla渔业局(KF)和Jabel Awlia大坝渔业局(JADF)进行的,以确定选择性和非选择性捕捞装置。结果表明,两种渔场中的刺网和围网(沙滩网)代表的选择性渔具的用途变化明显。在KF中,固定网在渔业中占主导地位(56%),其次是流网(33%),而该渔业中则没有铸网。在JADF中,使用固定网占主导地位(63%),其次是铸造网(14%)。平均净长为150 m,宽度为1.5 m。非选择性渔具是以延绳钓(Sareema和Jago)为代表的诱饵。 KF和JADF的平均延绳长度为200 m,带有200个吊钩。结果表明,KF和JADF中特定刺网的网眼对某些鱼类的选择性趋势为:尼罗河鲈鱼(Lates niloticus L.1758),巴亚德(Bagrus bayad,Forskal,1775),喀巴鲁(Bagrus docmak,Forskal, 1775年)和大尺寸的达比斯(拉比欧尼罗罗非索,拉夫斯克,1775年)被固定网捕获。布蒂(罗非鱼),小规格的达比斯(Labeo niloticus)和加尔古尔(Synodontis schall,布洛赫和施耐德,1801)大多被繁殖场和撒网周围的流网捕获。 Kas(Hydrocynus forskalii,居维叶(Cuvier)1819),Kawara(Alestes dentex L. 1758)和Shilba(Schilbe intermedius,Ruppel,1832)被围网捕获。



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